Tell Tail AugustNovember 2017

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

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18 Tell Tail^ n^ Aug 2017 - Oct 2017


e enjoys long drives and
knows how to roll the
car windows down, so
the child lock is always
enabled. He is very patient with kids
and doesn’t need to be on leash
for his walks. Traum, the cockapoo
(cocker spaniel - poodle mix) isn’t
a “follower.” He likes his space and
knows his place in his human Amit
Karun’s life.

A little darling
Traum was a dream come true
for Amit. In fact, he woke up at
6.30 am on August 21, 2009 to see
Traum as a little puppy all snug in
a basket looking up at him. Traum
(means dream in French), had his

human Amit shout in delight. And
since then, the duo go on holidays
together, walk together, and love
each other a whole lot.
But, both love their space. When
Traum needs petting and hugging
he comes for it, and the minute
he has had enough, he walks off.
And he doesn’t like sob stories.
Amit admits, “I have learnt to move
on from him. He doesn’t fuss over
me when I’m upset, he expects
me to deal with things as a mature
individual should.”

Promises to keep
A very well behaved dog, Traum
has never chewed up the furniture
or torn things in the house. “I’v never

left him wondering what to do. He
knows what to do and when so there
are no unanswered questions and
therefore no mistakes,” explains
Amit, an entrepreneur. What is
special about their bond is that every
New Year’s Eve, Amit makes Traum
a promise. And every year, the
promise is kept. He promised Traum
a holiday in snow on New Year’s Eve

  1. Sure enough, inspite of all his
    fears of flying Traum, Amit ensured
    that promise came true when they
    flew to Chandigarh and drove up
    north to play in snow. Three hours
    of walking, playing and skiing in the
    snow later, Amit was exhausted.
    “Traum had a blast, and, he didn’t
    want to leave! I was happy to be

The apple of his

master’s eye

Amit Karun tells us why
Traum, his cockapoo is the
best. Amit recently took
Traum up north only to play
in snow
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