Metropole - October 2017

(Ron) #1


To be truly integrated in Vienna there are certain terms no dictionary
or Deutschkurs will properly explain.
But you’re no stranger, so here’s this month’s cheat sheet


adjective. Awesome, cool, excellent. Sometimes
emphasized as urleiwand or voi leiwand (to-
tally awesome). Ubiquitous in Viennese slang,
its most prominent use is in one of Austria’s
unofficial national anthems, “Schifoan” (“Ski-
ing”), in which singer Wolfgang Ambros ex-
claims “Skiing is des Leiwandste (the most
awesome) thing imaginable.”
Stems from the similar sounding Leinwand
(canvas, screen, linen), but aside from that,
the origin is unclear. Various theories abound:
One references the traditionally high price
and implied luxury of linen garments; another
claims it comes from Viennese criminal slang,
where lookouts indicated the coast was clear
by saying Ois Leiwand (everything’s canvas),
indicating everything’s “picture perfect,” like
an oil painting on canvas.
A slightly more elaborate explanation goes

back to Vienna’s Bürgerspital (People’s Hospi-
tal), an early attempt at health care for the
needy, which existed from 1257 to 1784: To
help fund its charitable work, it received vari-
ous privileges, including the right to engage in
the profitable textile trade, and a monopoly
on brewing and selling beer in Vienna from

  1. Apparently, the suds served to thirsty
    merchants at the Bürgerspital’s linen halls
    were so good it became synonymous with all
    things amazing.
    In its contemporary use, Leiwand is the
    archenemy of oasch (ass), which, aside from
    its literal meaning, is also a catchall adjective
    for all things sucky, lame or derisive.
    Some of the more waggish left wing politi-
    cal elements have popularized the idiom Für
    Leiwand, Gegen Oasch! (Pro Awesome, Anti
    Ass!) as a tongue-in-cheek battle cry.


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