Creative Nonfiction - Fall 2017

(Frankie) #1

candidate in the creative
writing program at Washington
University in St. Louis. She is a
recipient of several fellowships,
including PEN USA Emerging
Voices, Lambda Emerging
Writers, and a Fulbright in
Germany. Previous essays
have been published in the
PEN anthology Strange Cargo
(2010), the Heyday anthology
LAtitudes: An Angeleno’s
Atlas (2015), and the Lambda
Literary anthology Emerge
(2016). Her essay “Soundings:
Field Notes on Communication
with Animals and God” is a
finalist in the 2017 Southeast
Review Narrative Nonfiction
Contest and will be published
in 2018. She is working on her
first book, a memoir.

he first time I approached Nurit*, she was leaning
against the wall with a dessert plate in her hand. Cookies
and sliced fruit and occasionally birthday cake with rainbow-
colored icing were staples of the social hour that followed every
Friday night service at Beth Chayim Chadashim. It was called
the oneg, a Hebrew word for “joy”—aspirational, like the tribe
of single queers it attracted alongside the already partnered.
For me, joy did not come naturally, but hung back, had
to be coaxed from its hideout gradually, a fact that was not
obvious, for I moved through the world with a joyful façade.
People loved my sunny disposition, which seemed especially
pronounced in Jewish contexts. I was the unencumbered Jew,
unburdened by grim history, by grandparents murdered, by
deeply ingrained distrust. I was open and eager to connect, any
cautiousness mainly the residue of habitual self-doubt and prior
disappointment in love.
Born in Israel, Nurit had grown up in Brazil, where her family
had moved when she was nine. Now in her late twenties and



Under the Stars

*^ Not her real name
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