Refl ections
Part 2
Refl ections
By Keith Moyle
Forty Years of Reefi ng
An early example of an invertebrate tank, illuminated with metal halide lighting
Reef-keeping has been my passion for the last forty years, other hobbies have
come and gone yet fi sh-keeping still has the same attraction as it did all those years
ago. It started in 1970 as an eleven year old with a tropical tank and my move to
saltwater followed fi ve years later. In part one I looked back at the years between 1970
and 1989 which saw some of the biggest breakthroughs ever to impact on the hobby,
many of which continue to infl uence how we keep reef aquaria. In this fi nal instalment
I’ll bring everything up to date covering the period from 1990 to the present day as well
as considering what future developments may bring.