Prevents (and helps reverse) symptoms of poor nutrition:
- Lateral Line Disease
- Hole-in-the-Head
- Fin Erosion
Plus increases color
& vitality in 30 days
if fed exclusively*
Most brands try to dazzle you with an impressive ingredient list. That’s easy.
What’s not so easy is to guarantee results. Of course, Spectrum uses the best quality ingredients
in the industry. But we think how it affects the health of your fish is the real test. We’re so confident
that New Life Spectrum® versus anyone else will make you (and your fish) a believer that we guarantee:
*For all the details, visit
stock of aquatic turtles and tortoises. This state-of-the-
art greenhouse is heated by geothermal energy and has
temperature-controlled UVB-transmitting glass panels on
the roof. We have another 1,200 square feet of grow-out
tanks for hatchling turtles, our tropical fish collection
(we breed some cichlids), and our amphibians. We also
have a special room where we incubate all our eggs in
Zoo Med’s Reptibators. We currently house over 500
turtles, 80 tortoises, 125 lizards, and 25 amphibians.
Since 2009 we have successfully hatched over 1,500 ani-
mals from 47 species, many of them endangered.
Zoo Med might not have made it to 40, and would
not be the company it is today, without a number of key
people. They say you can count your closest friends on
one hand, and Zoo Med’s COO, Steve Dalrymple, is one
of mine. We met when we were 15 years old and have
remained friends and business colleagues ever
since. Steve has worked at Zoo Med for 25 years
and is part of the R&D team. Another crucial
member of the team is Ken Fontes. When I met
him in 2003, I was so impressed with his charac-
ter and business acumen that I hired him on the
spot. Ken became our CFO, controller, and direc-
tor of human resources and significantly im-
proved the quality of our work force. My nephew,
Shane Bagnall, one of the leading UVB research-
ers in the world, worked as a biological engineer
at the prestigious Salk Institute in La Jolla, California,
before coming to Zoo Med over 15 years ago. Last but
not least is Rita Zarate, whose immigrant parents worked
hard to put all four of their children through college: Rita
came to Zoo Med with a master’s degree in international
business. She is part of the “new guard” who will take
Zoo Med into the future long after I am gone.
So what now? I could not be more proud of this com-
pany, which started 40 years ago in a one-car garage with
a $300 investment. My dream for the next decade is to
construct a Reptile Zoo and a pet and aquarium museum
that tells the history of petkeeping from the mid 1800s to
today. In the meantime I still help develop new products
for Zoo Med, travel to aquarium and reptile shows, and
eat a Paleo diet, as I may need to live to 100 to finish all
the work (and fun) I have to do!
Some of
Zoo Med’s
120 current
in San Luis