2017-11-26 Amazonas

(vip2019) #1


Wataikwa, we found a variant of P. ivantsoffi that had a quince-yellow base color.
I was very excited, but my excitement waned when, after some time in my aquari-
um, they adopted the normal gray base color of all other variants of P. ivantsoffi.
In 2015, just before reaching the Sungai Mimika, we followed a new road
through the freshly cleared rainforest. Eko and I pushed further into the jungle
and came upon a small blackwater stream where we found numerous P. ivantsof-
fi, as well as Mogurnda cingulata, Melanotaenia ogilbyi, and Oxyeleotris nullipora.
Later, back at the hotel, I discovered two specimens of a new species among the
blue-eyes; they were similar to P. pellucidus and P. novaeguineae. Along the middle

Top: A displaying male Red Neon
Blue-Eye, Pseudomugil luminatus.
Bottom: This narrow ditch in the
middle of a Pa nda nus swamp
in the drainage of the Sungai
Iwaka is the type location of
Pseudomugil luminatus.


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