Auto Parts Asia — October 2017

(Barry) #1
AutoPartsAsia | OCTOBER 2017 | 31

having any weight penalty. We have
tools and techniques which the
OEMs can use to reduce the weight
of the vehicle. Altair can also teach
them how to cut weight. Nowadays
everyone is gunning for light-
weighting to carry more weight or for
better performance,” Kumar said.

When asked whether EVs will be
more compatible for connected
vehicles compared to their traditional
counterparts, he said that it is very
unlikely. “Compatibility for connected
vehicles will be just another factor
of EVs. Whether it is EV or Internal
Combustion Engine vehicle, today all
of them have enough communication
capabilities to be compatible. So
electricity is just one of the driving
forces of the product. It is not
necessary that because I want a
connected vehicle I should go for an
EV,” Kumar said.

It is a known fact that the number
of moving parts in an EV will be
1/10 or 1/20 that of the traditional
vehicle. The cabin will be quieter
hence the unwanted noise will be
evident in EVs. Altair supports OEMs
in reduction of Noise, Vibration and

“We provide this service with a

combination of two things. One is
the software which will allow them
to analyse NVH and understand
how the noise or vibration is getting
transmitted. So it is easy to find out
what is contributing to that and what
frequency is causing it. In that case,
you can avoid those frequencies.
That is one method. The other
method is process. We can also
teach them the process of doing
it. We have something called NVH
Director, which will be of great use for
OEMs,” he said.
The NVH Director employs Altair’s
HyperWorks suite of computer-aided
engineering (CAE) tools in a fully
integrated, user-friendly, customisable
form to automate the tasks involved
in NVH analysis. By integrating
the entire process of meshing,
assembly, loadcase set-up, and post-
processing, it dramatically reduces
the full-vehicle NVH simulation time,
freeing CAE engineers to focus
on optimising product design and
Founded in 1985, Michigan-
headquartered Altair Engineering
is focused on the development and
application of simulation technology
to synthesise and optimise designs,
processes and decisions for

improved business performance. With
more than 2,600 employees, Altair
has over 50 offices in 22 countries,
and serves more than 5,000 corporate
clients across industry segments.
The clientele represents a broad
range of industry verticals, including
automotive, aerospace, government
and defence, heavy equipment and
consumer products. Altair also has
a growing client presence in the life
sciences, financial services, insurance
and energy markets.
Altair, which started India operations
15 years ago for internal outsourcing
of software development and
services, has now over 600
employees in three major locations:
Bangalore, Chennai and Pune.
The company caters to about 400
marque customers with substantial
contribution to Altair’s global
revenues and has plans to expand its
operations in the country. Probably
India will be the single largest office
for Altair globally.
Kumar said, “Altair is primarily
focusing on developing modelling
and visualisation techniques in its
centres in India. Altair also caters to
the user experience part. These are
the areas of expertise which Altair
is leveraging India for. Other than
our regular structural engineering
products, we have products ready for
Communication, Internet of Things
(IoT) and Data Analytics.”
“The latest addition to the product
basket is Carriots, a complete IoT
application enablement platform
(AEP) to rapidly connect and manage
devices, collect and analyse data and
build intelligent applications together
with enterprise business systems.
Besides, Carriots Analytics speeds
up data visualisation, exploration and
discovery,” he said.

Altair has been making considerable
investments in the recent past to
develop products and services in the
software segment. It plays a vital role
in standardisation while also giving
variety. This journey of transformation
has been very significant for Altair.
“Now, we can even automatically
generate code from a model-based
design. Those tools exist with us. So,
Altair will continue to be a key player
in developing systems which will
have software at its core. However,
we are not an independent vehicle
developer. We are basically helping
our customers create products
that are relevant to changing times.
That is entirely a different ball
game,”Kumar said.

Pavan Kumar

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