Camper Trailer Action — Issue 104 2017

(Elle) #1

to set the crab traps, and a solid session
trolling banks or working deep holes. Once
the ‘work’ was done, the afternoon was free
for more fishing or a few ales and laughs in
the shade.
A keen group of blokes, a capable 4WD and
boat, a bit of quality planning and three weeks
of annual leave – that’s all it takes to make a

trip like this an annual event. You go once and
you’ll be hooked for life – there really is noth-
ing like a Top End fi shing trip with your mates.
So stop with the excuses, get the boys keen
and get your 4WD ready – turn your recurring
dream into a regular thing that you’ll always
have just around the corner to look forward
to! Q

Unless you head up right in the middle of
winter, you can bet the fi shing is going to
be red hot. Even in the cold months the
queenfi sh and grunter will still provide days
of entertainment. Other species on offer
include barramundi, mangrove jack, jewfi sh
and golden snapper. Threadfi n salmon and
a whole range of pelagic fi sh will also be on
the chew almost all year.

This its true remote touring. A common mis-
take we see travellers make on a trip like this
is not bringing enough water. You will drink 3L
of water every day, and you should really plan
to carry 5L per person, per day.
Be prepared to get carried away by mozzies
and midges at dawn and dusk. Insect repellent
is essential, but think about bringing citronella
candles and mozzie coils, because after two
weeks on the river you’ll be sick of putting
that chemical on every uncovered bit of skin.
We know how essential it is to bring spares
for the 4WD, but think about what can go
wrong at camp and prepare for these break-
downs as well. Electrical spares and a decent
multimeter are absolutely necessary – having
a stuffed fridge and warm beer will no doubt
bring an early end to your holidays!

During the winter months, and the
dry season.

Having a drink and camping at the Well-
shot Hotel in Ilfracombe on the way to
the Gulf is sensational, and offers a true
Queensland outback reception.

The tracks are all rated E, suitable for all
campers and 4WDs. The thing that makes
this trip diffi cult is the sheer remoteness and
distance from any major population centre.

A camping fee of $150 per vehicle will give
you from 6 days to two weeks camping on
the Wearyan River at Manangoora Station.

Manangoora Tourism
PH: (08) 8975 9549

A 10-truck convoy,
plenty of mates and a
three week leave-pass –

After such a harsh dry season, the water turns
a sharp green-blue colour, and the fi sh are
responsive to a whole range of tactics

This weather phenomenon is
called the Morning Glory Cloud. It’s
something that rarely happens outside
of the Gulf – hang gliders surf the
wind of these suckers for hours!


Gulf of Carpentaria, NT

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