Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Edition - December 2017

(Wang) #1 DECEMBER 2017








With time tight, simply wander
through the palace itself, the rooms
of which are impressive examples
of late Baroque opulence with their
furnishings and paintings. Must-see
sights include Queen Kristina’s silver
throne, looking very empty now but
for all the visitors taking selfies; and
the richly decorated Royal Chapel,
which is up some stairs close to the
entrance and exit. Open Tue-Sun
10am-4pm; 160 kr (US$19).

(^4) Vasa Museum
Swedes aren’t naturally boastful,
but it can sometimes feel that
way after listening to some of the
recorded commentaries you get on
the city’s open-top buses and boat
cruises. Everything from Ikea and
Tetra-Pak to the pacemaker and
dynamite is a Swedish invention,
not to mention car brands such as
Volvo and the much-missed Saab. If
you’ve had to listen to a lot of this
self-congratulation, the antidote is
to swing by the wreck of the Vasa.
Intended as a mighty warship, even its
own designers doubted it would stay
af loat, and so it proved – launched
into the harbour in 1628, the first
gust of wind caused it to capsize,
killing 30 and sinking into mud, where
it remained remarkably intact for 333
years until 1961. It was then raised and
restored. Open daily 10am-5pm (8pm
Wed); 130 kr (US$15).
(^5) Moderna Museet
From the Vasa Museum, you can
jump on one of the circular boat
trips that stop off here (single tickets
from the pier at Allmanna Grand to
Skeppsholmen cost 30 kr/US$3.50).
These range in length from a few
minutes to a tour of the whole
archipelago, or you can just pick
and choose your journeys.
A short one would be across
Ladugardslandsviken bay to the
island of Skeppsholmen opposite,
where the chief attraction is the
Moderna Museet (modern art
museum). Collections change
regularly but it is well worth a visit
and is a great spot for lunch in the
restaurant, where there are views
across to Djurgarden. The permanent
collection features works by Picasso,
Dali and Rauschenberg. Open
10am-8pm Tue and Fri, 10am-6pm
Wed-Thur, 11am-6pm weekends; free
entry to permanent shows.

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