Forbes India — November 17, 2017

(Ben Green) #1
104 | forbes india december 29, 2017

branson: Lucy nichoLson / reuters; wiLde: shutterstock; Lewis: regis duvignau / reuters;
carrey: susana vera; chopra: noeL v


getty images; buffett: Lucas Jackson / reuters

most people would assume my business success,
and the wealth that comes with it, have brought
me happiness. but I know I am successful,
wealthy and connected because I am happy.
—RichaRd BRanson

People hate me
because I am a
talented, wealthy,
famous genius.
—JeRRy Lewis


On Wealth

I think
should get rich
and famous and
do everything
they ever
dreamt of so
they can see
that it’s not the
—Jim caRRey

No man is rich enough to buy back
his past.
—oscaR wiLde
I always
knew I was
going to be
rich. I don’t
think I ever
doubted it
for a minute.

Spiritual people
should not be
ashamed of being
—deepak chopRa

If wealth was the
inevitable result
of hard work and
enterprise, every
woman in Africa
would be a millionaire.
—GeoRGe monBiot

If you are willing to
do only what’s easy,
life will be hard. but
if you are willing to
do what’s hard, life
will be easy.
—t haRv ekeR

Wealth is
the slave
of a wise
man. The
master of
a fool.

10 0 IndIans

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