The Week India — November 12, 2017

(sharon) #1

You will fi rst have to see what I am asking for. That is
very important.

  • Expunge all remarks that refer to Marathi people in
    general and Veer Savarkar in particular that imply
    that they/he was in anyway involved in murder of
    Mahatma Gandhi.

  • Appoint a new commission of inquiry to complete the
    incomplete work of Kapur Commission.
    Because Kapur Commission has done excellent
    work in terms of documenting evidence.
    So you don’t want to invalidate the fi ndings of Kapur
    Only parts, very specifi c parts about Maratha army
    which I take serious objection to. I am not asking for
    exoneration of Godse. Let’s be very clear. He was a
    murderer he got what he deserved. My only prayer
    is whatever happened in trial let it remain as it is. If
    there was someone else involved then please inves-
    tigate. What I am trying to understand is: Was any-
    body else—other than those 12 accused—involved in
    the conspiracy? Was there a larger conspiracy? I am
    aware that this is not going to lead to prosecution of
    anyone because all those persons are dead.

What will this
The question is
whether the murder
motive was to cause
enmity between the
people of India and
Pakistan by sabo-
taging the Gandhi-
Jinnah reconcilia-
tion project. If this
was the motive, the
conspiracy has been
hugely successful.
I am saying there
was an organised
force, Force 136 [The
World War II agency
Special Operations
Executive]. The
court told me that
organisations can-
not be convicted.
Yes. But the motive
of the organisation
can be documented
or established. What
problem can anybody
have with this? It’s a
search for truth.
The Hindu Mahasabha says the RSS and BJP
are trying to sideline it through your case.
I am not part of the BJP or the RSS. I have been
doing my research for the last 20 years. I cat-
egorically deny that I am doing this at anybody’s
You have a special affi nity to Savarkar?
Yes. Savarkar started his Abhinav Bharat in

  1. This was the fi rst organisation to demand
    absolute political independence.
    But he closed it down.
    Correct. In 1952. Till the Malegaon case hap-
    pened, Abhinav Bharat was a very respected
    name. Even when Savarkar was accused of be-
    ing complicit in the Gandhi murder, nobody
    pointed a fi nger at Abhinav Bharat. It demand-
    ed independence in 1906. Tell me which other
    organisation did it before, even call for Swaraj?
    The Congress passed the resolution in 1930. Sa-
    varkar went to Andaman in 1910.
    Later part of Savarkar’s life is all about Hindu-
    Muslim politics.
    I am only concerned about Abhinav Bharat. I
    am not a blind follower of Savarkar. Period. Sa-

I am not part

of the BJP

or the RSS. I


deny that

I am doing

this at



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