The Week India — November 12, 2017

(sharon) #1

(^68) THE WEEK Š NOVEMBER 12, 2017
March 22-April 20
June 22-July 23
September 24-October 23
December 23-January 20
April 21-May 21
July 24-August 23
October 24-November 22
January 21-February 19
May 22-June 21
August 24-September 23
November 23-December 22
February 20-March 21
forecast ■ By K.K. Vamanan Nampoothiri
Students will do well. Success
awaits you at home, not
abroad. At workplace, superi-
ors will like your honesty and
commitment. A change of residence is likely
this week. You are your parents’ source of
luck. A childbirth in your extended family
brings joy. Wedding bells ring for the single
among you. Take good care of your health.
Lucky day—Monday: a gift from mother
Your charming nature sets you
apart this week. Your ability to
adapt to hostile environments
will be appreciated. Continue
to dream big, and you are sure to achieve
your goals. Avoid junk food. You will be bold
in all your endeavours. Be careful while driv-
ing. A chance meeting with an old pal will
bring you good luck.
Lucky day—Monday: seductive best
Be prepared for a change of
residence. You will command
respect at your workplace.
Students might face a break in
their studies. It is good to save for the future;
start now if you haven’t already. You will sign
some important business deals. When was
the last time you visited a doctor? Health
needs special care this week.
Lucky day—Tuesday: the Midas touch
There will be success in
chemistry, medicine and the
occult. Avoid oily food. Your
methodical and industrious
nature will be the talk of the town. There
will be success in litigation. A long voyage
to a distant country with your loved ones
is in the cards. Make time for friends and
people you love.
Lucky day—Sunday: rewarded for work
Students will get a chance to
go abroad for higher studies.
Keep your women relatives in
good humour, for they are your
source of luck. Friends would find you inspi-
rational. Artists will find the week favour-
able. You will meet people in power. There
will be a rise in income, but tighten the purse
strings. You are in the pink of health.
Lucky day—Monday: kids make you proud
Your charming nature sets you
apart this week. There will be
gains through teaching and
literary activities. Continue to
dream big, and you are sure to achieve your
goals. Avoid junk food. You will be bold in
all your endeavours. Be careful while on the
wheels. A chance meeting with an old pal
will bring you good luck.
Lucky day—Saturday: an outing
Romantic relationships could
get cosier. Enemies would
bring you gains. Be on the look-
out for obstacles at work and
try to clear them as soon as possible. Shun
violence completely. There will be a renewed
interest in the science of the occult. Some of
you will purchase a new car. A good time for
writers to embark on a new story.
Lucky day—Thursday: cousin comes calling
A promotion or an additional
charge at workplace is round
the corner. Members of the
opposite sex will be attracted
to you. Farmers will have a profitable week.
Land deals are likely to be profitable. Kids will
bring happiness. Creativity is your strength
this week, so make the best use of it. Some
of you will visit pilgrim centres.
Lucky day—Wednesday: increase in income
You are very bold; your fear-
lessness will make you very
popular. But never should you
feel insecure. Unlike others,
you love dalliances with faith. Those on the
lookout for a domestic help are sure to get
one. The atmosphere at workplace will be
pleasant. With romance in the air, everything
may seem hunky-dory.
Lucky day—Tuesday: will make new friends
Wit, an important feature of
your sign, will make you popu-
lar among your buddies. Luck
accompanies you everywhere.
Your meritorious deeds will be appreciated,
and your popularity will soar. Wedding bells
are ringing for some. For those planning to
start new ventures, now is the time to take
those first steps to success.
Lucky day—Monday: good for studies
Trouble awaits those in
romantic entanglements.
Poultry farm owners will do
well. Business of wood and
sanitary ware will be profitable. Health
needs more care. Visit a doctor without
delay. You have it in you to be the best and
your pleasing personality will be an added
advantage. Some of you will inherit a legacy.
Lucky day—Friday: you win a prize
Your spouse will influence
you positively. There will be a
rise in income. Friends might
disappoint you. Do not cheat
people who trust you. Extreme mood
swings are doing you no good. Parents
should spend more time with their chil-
dren. Profit from land deals are likely. But,
it is wise to exercise caution.
Lucky day—Sunday: success in exams

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