Asian Photography — November 2017

(ff) #1

november 2017 37

and preparation. For Studio A, the
preparation for each wedding shoot
starts long before the day of the wedding.
Their initial conversations with the clients
are usually centered on understanding
what they want from them. “As you
can imagine, each wedding is different
and so is each couple and their wants
and needs. Understanding that is key
to managing their expectations. Before
every wedding, the team gets together
to make sure they’re all well prepared
for the shoot, especially if it involves
travelling to a different location.” Studio
A also spends a lot of time in checking
out inspirations in the form of photos,
videos, paintings and movies. “In
terms of theme, we come up with what
complements the couple in the best way
and build upon it.”
Amar says that they used to prepare
a lot before every wedding, in the
beginning, but having shot weddings for
over 7 years now, they have a fair idea
of what happens and how to handle the
chaos. “But then, we all know, no two

Wedding Special

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