Outlook Business — December 07, 2017

(singke) #1


My Best Pick

22 December 2017 / Outlook BUSINESS


ery few companies can boast of
creating a franchise as powerful as
Shriram Transport Finance Com-
pany (SHTF), the fl agship company
of the Shriram Group and the largest asset fi nanc-
ing company in India with assets under manage-
ment (AUM) of # 85 , 500 crore. It has almost four
decades of experience in used commercial vehicle
(CV) fi nancing and is the market leader in the busi-
ness. The company has a strong and capable man-
agement team which has helped it withstand sev-
eral business cycles.

However, over the past fi ve years, the company
went through a pincer. Between 2012 and 2014 , fol-
lowing the ban on mining in several states, CV de-
mand was severely impacted. As the company was
slowly coming out of the downcycle, it was again
hit by the central bank’s new guidelines on non-
performing asset (NPA) recognition. All non-bank-

ing fi nancial companies had to move from 180 days
past due (dpd) non-performing asset (NPA) recogni-
tion to 90 dpd recognition over three years — FY 16 ,
FY 17 and FY 18. This resulted in not only NPAs in-
creasing sharply, but also impacting the NBFC’s in-
come statement, owing to interest reversals and in-
creased provisioning. As a result, since FY 11 , profi t
aft er tax for Shriram Transport Finance has been
range-bound between # 1 , 100 crore and 1 , 300 crore.

However, we now believe the company is on the
cusp of a strong earnings trajectory over the next
three years. Our thesis is based less on the overall
CV market recovery and more on company-specifi c
factors that shall drive this earnings growth. We
believe that SHTF will be a big benefi ciary of reduc-
tion in its cost of funds, comprising a larger share
of high-cost legacy borrowings.
A quick analysis of its liability profi le suggests
that the company is still bogged down by high-cost
legacy non-convertible debentures (NCDs). Hence,
while incremental cost of borrowings via NCDs is
around 8 %, the company still has a high share of
NCDs outstanding that cost over 10 %. For exam-
ple, in FY 16 , only 51 % of the privately placed re-
deemable NCD of # 1 lakh each were at a cost of less
than 10 %. In FY 17 , this number increased to 75 %
as high-cost NCDs were refi nanced at much lower
rates. We expect such refi nancing to continue over
the medium term, and this should result in healthy
interest cost savings for the company. In FY 17 , its
cost of funds was 9. 8 %. With incremental borrow-
ings at 8 %- 8. 5 %, we expect at least a reduction
of 100 bps in the cost of funds over the medium
term. As a result, contrary to investor fears of a
margin decline owing to increased migration to-
wards lower-vintage vehicles, we believe that mar-
gins will remain steady (and can even improve),
even if there is some migration towards fi nancing
of lower-vintage vehicles.

Burdened by the past
Shriram’s fund cost is higher due to legacy borrowings
Trend in cost of borrowings of SHTF v/s peers (%)
SHTF Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services
Cholamandalam Investment Finance Company




Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
2016 2017 2018
Source: Company, MOSL

Note: Market related data as on December 1, 2017; Financials
for FY17; Consolidated fi nancials considered wherever ap-
Data: Ace Equity

net sales#10 ,903cr

stock price# 1327 M-CAP #30 , 112cr

ROE 11.78%

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