Engineering News — December 08, 2017

(ff) #1

ith its battery anti-theft solution
successfully protecting more
than 15 000 lead acid batteries
in South Africa, battery and related-
components supplier Aztec is seeing an
increase in demand for premium-quality
batteries with a longer operating life.
“In the past, many operators decided
to install low-quality batteries instead of
premium batteries, as the full operational
life of the batteries was seldom achieved
before they were stolen. However, with
Aztec’s anti-theft solution – introduced in
2015 – it now makes sense from a financial
and technical perspective to reinstall
premium-quality batteries,” says Aztec
electrical engineer Dean Marcus.
Subsequently, there has been an increase
in sales of thin plate pure lead and lead
carbon batteries for applications such
as cellular base towers and data centres.

Aztec has also noted a rise in demand for
premium lithium batteries in a variety of
forms, including rack-mounted modules
and wall- and tower-mounted smart
lithium power solutions that comprise
batteries and integrated rectifiers.
“Battery demand is also being driven
by the increased focus on cleaner energy
generation. Multiple battery chemistries,
including lead acid and lithium, are, thus,
set on a strong growth path, as they are in
a multitude of different applications from
cellular base stations to mission-critical
uninterrupted power supplies (UPSs).”

Lithium versus Lead Acid
While lithium batteries are certainly
gaining popularity globally, Marcus
highlights that lead acid batteries remain
strong in the market and, with continual
technical advancement, they are still

ideally suited to many applications. “There
is no one battery which is perfect for all
applications. Batteries form a critical
part of many standby power systems and
should, therefore, be specified and supplied
by battery specialists who can advise
customers about the best option.. .”
Marcus highlights that lead acid
batteries are still advancing, with battery
monitoring systems playing a central
role in their improvement. He notes that
US-based NorthStar Battery Company
is leading the way in this regard with its
NorthStar Advanced Connected Energy
(ACE) solution. This fully integrated
battery monitoring solution combines
Bluetooth communication with an Internet
of Things concept, with a Bluetooth-
enabled monitoring device located inside
the actual battery, negating the need for
any external sensors.

24 ENGINEERING NEWS | December 8–14, 2017 AN

Electric vehicle
growth puts
pressure on nickel
supply Page 26




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Quality reprioritised in

local battery market

NorthStar ACE was launched in South Africa
this year and Aztec has seen a positive local
market response to its advanced capabilities

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