Engineering News — December 08, 2017

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46 ENGINEERING NEWS | December 8–14, 2017 LO


Full Name: Richard Thomas Nobbs
Position: Sales and marketing director at ElectroMechanica (EM)
Main Activity of the Company: EM is a specialised direct importer
and wholesale distributor of industrial switchgear and products for
automation and energy management
Date and Place of Birth: August 9, 1984, Johannesburg
Education: BCom
First Job: I started working as a warehouse picker at EM
Career History Prior to Current Position: I worked in the various
departments of EM
Size of First Pay Packet: I was lucky enough to receive R1 250 as
my first paycheck
First Job with Present Group: Warehouse picker
Value of Assets under Your Control: Over and above sales and
marketing budgets, I supervise assets in excess of R900-million
Number of People under Your Leadership: The group has a
headcount of over 200
Management Style: I strongly believe in an open-door policy and
try to be directly accessible to my staff any time, day or night
Personal Best Achievement: Participating in the West Coast
Baja motorcycle race in 2016. The race was incredible but,
unfortunately, I could not complete it, owing to a mechanical fault
on the motorcycle
Professional Best Achievement: Starting as a warehouse picker
at EM and working my way up the ranks to finally become a director
of the company
Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Life: Dave
van den Berg – I feel fortunate to be able to work with him on a
day-to-day basis, doing what we both love, which is growing EM
Person Who Has Had the Biggest Influence on Your Career: Not
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Elon Musk – that could be
an interesting conversation... perhaps, we could compare products
Businessperson Who Has Impressed You Most: Howard Schultz,
the head of Starbucks international
Philosophy of Life: The only way to do great work is to love what
you do – Steve Jobs
Biggest Ever Opportunity: With hard work and taking full
advantage of the opportunities afforded me, I was able to move
from a mere warehouse picker to a director of the company
Biggest Ever Disappointment: Disappointments should only be
seen as learning opportunities
Hope for the Future: To help grow EM – that is, employ more
people and contribute to the growth of South Africa
Favourite Reading: Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman
Favourite TV Programme: Bear Grylls
Favourite Food/Drink: I appreciate many tastes and cuisines, but
would have to admit that Sushi is my favourite dish
Favourite Music: Classical and reggae
Favourite Sport: Off-road motorcycling/motocross and Crossfit
Favourite Website: The new EM website that will be launched
within the next few months
Hobbies: Crossfit and off-road motorcycle racing
Car: Mercedes-Benz
Pets: A French bulldog called Brick
Miscellaneous Dislikes: Inefficient or lazy
Favourite Other South African Company:
Not stated
Favourite Foreign Company: Google

  • its continual innovation is inspirational
    Married: To Taryn, since October 2014
    Children: Not yet, but there might be some
    big news in the next year or two

Richard Nobbs

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