must be an ample supply of translators in the
major world languages if it is to be a truly
international event. Th at it seems obvious,
but sadly, many times the investors choose
not to put out the money for that little thing.
Chung-ju happily spares no expense and is
fl ooded with extremely friendly volunteers who
are more than capable of taking care of the
needs of attendees with multiple languages.
Side attractions- If you are weighing your
options between events, other attractions
or facilities that are indirectly related (or
not at all) may still be important, especially
if you are travelling in a group or have
a family. In the case of Chung-ju’s event,
there are children’s rides, a children’s park,
an amazing martial arts museum and an
uncountable number of sellers with everything
from local produce to Addidas clothing.
Opportunities for expats- Everybody knows
WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?). It’s sad but
true: sometimes you need to be a bit selfi sh
with your time. If you don’t respect your
time, no one else will. You will get invited to
nearly event, large and small, with little to
show for it. In our example there are a number
of competitions, chances for free training,
and a lot of networking! Many of the visiting
teams want foreign branches in our nations.
Th at’s their primary reason for attendance.
Events- What are you actually going to
watch or take part in? Ambiguity or surprise
is not your friend. It should be laid out in
black and white to ensure it is the right
fi t for you. Th ere should be a wide variety
available. At Chungju, there was
- the 3rd Penjak Silat Championship
- the Road FC - Young Guns Battle
(a Korean MMA event) - the 1st World Kids Masterships contests
- the 2nd Uzbek Jang
Sanati Championship - the 2017 World Martial Arts
Festival Jiu-Jitsu Tournament- the 3rd International Th ang-Ta Championship
- the 1st Arnis Friendly Match
- the Chung-ju Martial Arts Film Festival
- their unique International
Martial Arts Contest. - Teuk Gong Moo Sool experience centres
- Okichitaw experience centre
- Partners- Th e expression goes “People judge
you by the company you keep.” To think
that doesn’t apply to a festival or event is
ludicrous. Th ese relationships, be they big or
small, can make or break and event. In our
example the festival came about as the result
of the collaboration of Road FC. Martial Arts
Masterships, Fritz beer company, a fried chicken
company, WoMAU, and the city of Chung-ju. - Feasibility of reoccurrance- Many people
are nervous to try an unknown or untested
event or product. Curiousity isn’t always
in the forefront of our minds. Once again,
this event marked its 13th year. Th ere are no
guarantees in life, but I would put my money
on there being another in two years’ time.
Till next issue, keep training like
there’s no tomorrow!
Photos by Master Woo Yong-Hee
Master Guy Edward Larke has
spent most of his life devoted to
all aspects of the martial arts.
He has spent the last 13 years
working, studying, and writing in
South Korea. He is the founder
of Kisa-Do Muye (Th e Knight’s
Way Martial Arts) and Marketing. / January 2018 29