Hello Zuidas — January-February 2018

(Steven Felgate) #1

Shapiro Backstage at Zuidas Corporate Events

Granted I’m just a comedian, but I do get
some lovely, candid snapshots of corporate
life in Zuidas - via the bizarrely revealing
rituals known as ‘Dutch corporate events.’
Let me take you on a mini tour. 

Brand identity. I spoke at the opening of
the Amsterdam Expat Center, which is now
known as IN Amsterdam. They wanted a
one-stop to streamline the expat process
and make ever ything simpler. So they had
their opening at a location that was not the
office. Then they changed their location.
Then they changed their name. Anyway, if
you can find them or identify them, they
really are ver y helpful.

Crowded in Amsterdam. I’ve spoken quite a
few times at Vrije Universiteit, which is privately
funded. (As opposed to University of Amsterdam,
which is comparatively not funded.) VU just
introduced a new space for their international
employees, called The Global Room. And that’s
how crowded it is in Amsterdam. People got
excited just to have a dedicated room. I told
them the VU is a bit like Hogwarts: it’s nice to
have a Room of Requirement.

Sustainability. I attended an opening
of a building called the most green and
sustainable building in the Netherlands.
Or at least Amsterdam. Or at least Zuidas.
Partly because they had a self-driving

floor cleaner. It was so sustainable that the
directions to the location were first By Car
and - at the bottom - Public Transport. In
fact, I’ve been to a lot of events that talk a lot
about sustainability and then ser ve veal for
lunch. They talk about sustainable fishing
and ser ve tuna. And there was an event
about eliminating unnecessar y packaging;
they gave out gift bags with 200-page photo
books, which we all recycled immediately. 

I’ve also officiated a political debate /
boxing match outside Station Zuid, and I’ve
inadvertently helped white guys in suits
cheat at a footrace. But that’s a stor y for
another time. 

Photography Davien Hulsman

Gregory Shapiro (b.1968) Comedian. American. Dutchman. And the voice of Trump
in the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ Shapiro came to Amsterdam
to work with Boom Chicago comedy theater and never left. Along the way he has hosted
‘Comedy Central News.’ He has written 2 books on Dutch culture, including How to Be
Dutch: the Quiz. As host of ‘United States of Europe,’ Shapiro offers a ‘Daily Show’ for the
EU. Making fun of Europe, the American way.


Location MBO College Zuid
Date Monday 19 Februar y 2018
registration [email protected]

By Janke Dekker Producties


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