Golf Asia — January 2018

(sharon) #1


etting the basics right will help you hit
the ball longer and straighter. Many bad
shots stem from a poor grip, and a good
grip is the basis of a neutral and repeatable swing.
I like to see only two knuckles on the back of my
left hand as I look down and the ‘V’ between the
thumb and index finger on my right hand pointing
to my right shoulder.
A good posture enables you to make an athletic
and controlled movement. There are many
variations when it comes to good posture, but I like
to get my back fairly straight with my knees flexed
just enough to engage my quads and my butt
sticking out comfortably. My arms hang naturally
down to the grip, with the butt of the club about a
hand’s width from my thigh.
I always practise with an alignment stick along
my toe-line to ensure my feet knees, hips,
shoulders and eyes are parallel to the target line
because it makes it so much easier to make a
neutral swing with a square clubface.


307 YDS

Hit up on the ball through impact
A high launch with low spin is the most efficient way to transfer your clubhead
speed into ball speed and hit booming drives with modern equipment. You must hit
up on the ball and releasing your wrist hinge as late as possible in the downswing
will help you achieve this.


he key to hitting the ball further is generating as much clubhead speed as you
can at impact and transferring as much of that energy as possible into the ball. I
swing the club at 121mph and launch the ball at over 180mph. This shows how
close I am to the optimum efficient (or smash factor), which is a ball speed of one-and-a-
half times your clubhead speed.
Increasing your swing speed and smash factor is the Holy Grail for more distance.
Every extra one mph you can add to your swing speed will give you an extra three yards
of carry if you have a decent smash factor so adding just a little more speed and
efficiency can make a massive difference to your driving distance.

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