Golf Asia — January 2018

(sharon) #1


preserved mediaeval street (originally
a street of butchers), where storybook
houses and half-timbered stores lean
towards each other on drunken angles.
In one particular spot it’s possible for two
people to shake hands across the street
from one second floor window to another.
If you become thirsty while exploring,

call into one of the city’s many pubs
for some refreshment. Locals say
there’s one for every day of the year
in York. Drop into the Cock and Bottle
Inn and you may even meet one of the
city ghosts, the 17th century Duke of
Buckingham who reputedly appears
from time to time in a tall hat and a blaze

of green light. Situated in a heathland
and woodland setting just 1 mile from
the city centre, Fulford Golf Club is
well worth a round and will always
be remembered for the tree-climbing
exploits of Bernhard Langer during the
1981 Benson & Hedges International.
The following morning after a hearty

The Shambles/York.

York Minster

  • England's
    largest gothic

A player checks out his next shot at
Ganton Golf Club’s 4th hole.



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