The EconomistFebruary 3rd 2018 United States 31
UITE often, the peddling of a conspira-
cy theory is a form of confession: a
window into how a suspicious mind
thinks that the world works. President Do-
nald Trump says that federal probes into
Russian attacks on the presidential elec-
tion of 2016 are a “hoax” confected by
Democrats to explain Hillary Clinton’s de-
feat, and are now kept alive by what he
calls the “Deep State Justice Department”.
These are heady days for believers in
that plot. On January 29th a Trump bogey-
man, the deputy director of the FBI, An-
drew McCabe, abruptly quit his post and
went on leave pending his formal retire-
ment. Mr McCabe’s wife, the conspiracy-
minded note, is a Democrat who ran un-
successfully in 2015 for a state Senate seat in
Virginia, helped by six-figure campaign
contributions from a close Clinton ally. In-
credibly, at least to Mr Trump and his sup-
porters, in early 2016 Mr McCabe was al-
lowed to oversee a probe into Mrs
Clinton’s improper handling of secret gov-
ernment e-mails on a private computer
server when she wassecretary of state.
Mr McCabe’s defenders note, in vain,
that he flagged up his wife’s candidacy and
was cleared of a conflict of interest. His crit-
ics feel vindicated by press reports that an
internal review into the Clinton e-mail in-
vestigation, led by the Justice Depart-
ment’s inspector-general, Michael Horo-
witz, has zeroed in on decisions made by
Mr McCabe which some colleagues saw as
politicised. Even before that internal re-
view is published, Mr McCabe’s exit must
delight Mr Trump. The president spent
months rubbishing the FBIdeputy head on
Twitter, demanding to know why his attor-
ney-general, Jeff Sessions, had not re-
moved him. Mr Trump attacked Mr
McCabe as both a Clinton stooge and as a
friend of James Comey, the FBIdirector he
fired in May 2017, after Mr Comey rebuffed
a presidential demand to swear loyalty.
Among Republicans, and on the Fox
NewsTVshows that the president devours
for hours each week, Mr McCabe is ri-
valled in infamy by two other senior offi-
cials at the FBI, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
Mr Strzok was removed from the Russia in-
vestigation being run by Robert Mueller,
the special counsel, after they were found
to have exchanged text messages express-
ing disdain for then-Candidate Trump (“an
utter idiot”) and apparently arguing—at a
time when opinion pollssuggested that
Mrs Clinton would win easily—that a
probe into alleged collusion between Rus-
sia and the Trump campaign, was a vital
“insurance policy”. Mr Trump has called
those text exchanges “treasonous”. A Re-
publican senator, Ron Johnson of Wiscon-
sin, fulminated about other Strzok-Page
texts that talked about a “secret society”
before conceding that the texts may have
been a joke.
If the din of claims and counter-claims
seems confusing, here is one bleak obser-
vation. Mr Trump seems unable to believe
that public servants are capable of putting
country ahead of personal beliefs or inter-
ests. The president seems to divide aides
into two groups: those loyal to their mas-
ters, and ingrates. In December Mr Trump
shared with the New York Timeshis belief
that Eric Holder, attorney-general for most
of Barack Obama’s time in office, “totally
protected” his president from serious scan-
dals, and added: “I’ll be honest, I have great
respect for that.”
Mr Trump’s worldview may be further
confirmed by a memo commissioned by a
loyalist who chairs the House Intelligence
Committee, Representative Devin Nunes
of California. Republican committee
members voted to make the memo public
against the urging of the FBI, which ex-
pressed “grave concerns aboutthe materi-
al omissions of fact that fundamentally im-
pact the memo’s accuracy’’. The Nunes
memo reportedly sketches out a case that
officials, including the deputy attorney-
general, Rod Rosenstein, misled a secret
court, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court, when seeking a warrant to spy on
Carter Page, a former Trump campaign as-
sociate. Specifically, it contends that the
government did not spell out that evidence
against Mr Page came from a dossier drawn
up by ChristopherSteele, a former British
spy, with funding from Democrats and the
Clinton campaign.
Sean Hannity, a Trump cheerleader on
Fox News, has called the memo proof that
Mr Mueller “and his band of Democratic
witch-hunters” should be disbanded and
that Mr Rosenstein, who oversees Mr
Mueller, should be fired. Paul Ryan, the Re-
publican House Speaker, is more squea-
mish. He wants possible FBI “malfea-
sance” investigated, while claiming that
the Nunes memo is “completely separate”
from the Mueller inquiry. If that puzzles
some, Mr Trump need not care. For him,
sowing distrust and confusion is a win. 7
Institutional warfare
The self-described party of law and
order takes on the G-Men
Burn after reading
DDLY little is known about President
Donald Trump’s readiness to use mas-
sive force against adversaries. An isolation-
ist on the campaign trail, at times Mr
Trump has sounded quite the hawk. What
is known is his desire to bargain from a po-
sition of strength, whether calling for more
defence spending or a new nuclear arsenal
that is “so strong and powerful”.
The same model applies to Team
Trump’s approach to human rights and
corruption. The president has sent mixed
signals about global torturers and klepto-
crats, chiding some while praising others
as “tremendous” allies. Yet with little fan-
fare, he signed Executive Order 13818 a few
days before Christmas last year. A remark-
ably broad sanctions instrument, one hu-
man rights expert calls it a cross between a
scalpel and “a tactical nuclear weapon”.
Human rights
This White House has more power to
constrain bad guys than its predecessor