Sanctuary Asia - April 2018

(Michael S) #1

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The Little Stint
Calidris minuta is a very small wader.
It feeds primarily on invertebrates
such as worms, larvae, apart from
small insects, molluscs, crustaceans
and some plant matter. It forages in
the soft mud by rapidly pecking in a
manner similar to that of a sewing
machine needle to scout for prey.
It also sometimes wades in shallow
water to hunt.
Dr. Sudhir Gaikwad

The Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Calidris pygmaea is a small wader
in family Scolopacidae. The bird is,
unfortunately, critically endangered,
particularly due to loss of its
breeding habitats. It has, like the
name suggests, a bill shaped like a
spoon. The bird forages on soft mud
by moving its beak sideways on the
surface while on the lookout for
small invertebrates and plant matter.
Ramki Sreenivasan |
Conservation India
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