Sanctuary Asia - April 2018

(Michael S) #1
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The People’s Climate March on September 21, 2014, was the largest climate change march in history, with 31,100 diverse people taking over the
streets of New York City in an attempt to drive global action against a warming planet.

Everyone talks about the importance of saving
water and why we ought to save water, but very
few people focus on how water can be saved. On
day as a barber misted water on my head using a
spray bottle the thought occurred to me: “Why not
use the same spray bottle to clean vehicles?”
I tried it out and it worked. I discovered
that just two litres of water used this
way could clean a sedan car plus three
two-wheelers in just half-an-hour.
Normally ten times that amount is used
for just one vehicle.

Every Saturday, I invite people to my house and
teach them the innovative practice of aquaponics,
a system that combines aquaculture with
hydroponics. In this, water from a fi sh tank is fed
to a hydroponic system, where plants are grown in
nutrient-rich water. This water, once purifi ed
by the roots of the plants, is recirculated
back to the aquaculture system, thereby
reusing water eff ectively. Every weekend, I
teach people how to make this system, in
their very homes, with everyday products.

In my view,
charity begins at
home, as does
cleanliness. I
joined a group
called ‘Clean Navi
Mumbai, Clean India’ as a volunteer and
with others we take to the streets every
Sunday morning to keep our public spaces
clean. While some may consider this a futile
eff ort, we believe that ‘every bit counts‘
and this conviction has driven our purpose
for over two years now.

Shaurya Patel,
Urban planner, Ahmedabad

Varun Hemachandran,
Entrepreneur, Bengaluru

Vaishali Paste,
Public health professional,

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