WebUser – 04 April 2018

(Michael S) #1

CatchTheMagic School Bus
Anyone notbrought up in America
maynot be familiar withTheMagic
SchoolBus,but it wasapopular
animated kids’ show in the1990s.
Netflix’smodernrevival updatesthe
show slightly,but thepremise remains
thesame–aclass of young school
children go on aseriesofscience-based
teacher Ms Frizzle, aboard ahigh-tech
schoolbus.Inthe original show,Ms
Frizzlewas voiced by LilyTomlin
(9to5), and sheresurfaces here,
although thebus keyshave been passed

to her younger sister this time around.
Theshowdoesagood jobof
explaining sciencetopicstoyoung
children,and youcan watchthe trailer
foritatbi t.ly/mbus446.

It’s been agood year forsport so far,
withthe Winter Olympics and Winter
Paralympics, and now, if you’re ready
forwarmerclimes, herecomethe XXI
Commonwealth Games, whichare being
stagedinthe Gold Coast, Australia.
TheBBC will be broadcastingmore
than 200hours of coverage from Gold
Coast2018(GC2018),across BBCOne,
BBCTwo and RedButton, withfurther
coverage on BBCFourand ahighlights
show on BBCTwo.Additionally,you’ll
be able to stream thecoverage and
on-demandclips viathe BBCSport
websiteand app, and iPlayer. If youlike
round-the-clockaction, theBBC Red
Button will be delivering a24h-hour

schedule of live and
Thegamesrun from
4to15April and feature
athletes and team
officials from
70 Commonwealth
nationsand territories
competing across 18 sports and seven
para-sports, includingathletics,cycling,
boxing,diving,gymnastics, rugbyand

FeastonChef’s Table: Pastry
From13 April
Thesuccess ofTheGreat BritishBake
Offshowsjust howcaptivatedweare
withcakes and sweettreats. This
one-offseriesofChef’s Tablefocuses
on pastries –eye-poppingconfections,
to be more precise –and takesusto
Sicily, Spainand NewYorkCity. There
arecertainlyplentyofamazing looking
creationsbeing showcased if thetrailer
forthe show is anything to go by.You
canwatch it,and getataste forthe new
series,atbi t.ly/chef446.

although thebus keyshave been passed

What To WatchOnline

Tell usyourfavouritenewTVatforum.webuser.co.uk 4-17April 2018 21

Reutersrecentlypublished internal
documents from Amazon–covering
late 2014 to early2017–thatshow
howmuchmoneymanyofits original
PrimeVideo showscosttoproduce,
theirviewing figuresand thecostper
first stream (first streamsare theones
believed to have directlypersuaded
acustomer to signupfor Prime).
TheMan in theHighCastle
apparently cost $72m (£51.4m) to
produce,and by thestart of 2017,
it hadeight million US viewers, and
generated 1.15 million first streams.

We reveal what’snew on Netflix,BBCiPlayer,

Amazon PrimeVideo and otherstreamingservices

Amazon Prime Video’s viewingfigures revealed

TheGrand Tour,the much-hyped
motoring show forex-TopGeartrio
Clarkson, Hammond and May, had
morethan1.5 million first streams,
at acostof$49 (£35)per subscriber,
makingitahugehit in Amazon’seyes.
In contrast,Good GirlsRevoltcost
$81m (£59m) to make,but generated
just 52,000 first streams, and amuch
higher per-newcustomer cost of
around $1,500 (£1,071).Unsurprisingly,
it wascancelledafter oneseries.
Youcan read more aboutthisstory
atbit.ly/reuters446. Credit:Reuters
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