32 4-17April 2018
Install Chromeextensions
fromyour phone
Oneofthe biggest limitationstothe
Chrome appfor Android and iOSisthat
youcan’t installyourfavourite
extensions in thebrowser –infact, you
can’tinstall anyatall,asyou caninthe
Firefoxmobileapp.However, if you
stumble across an interestingadd-on
whilebrowsingthe webonyourphone
or tablet, thereisahandy hiddenoption
that lets yousenditdirectlytoChrome
on your computer, so youcan tryitlater.
Chrome on
your mobile
device with
open the
Chrome Web
and tapthe blue‘AddtoDesktop’
button,followedbythe greenbutton
of thesamename.Theadd-onwill then
be installedonall computers on which
you’re signed into Chrome.
Youcan also tapthe Shareoption
Chrome’s built-in passwordmanager will automaticallysave your
passwordsfor you, butyou mayprefertouse amoresecureand
sophisticatedtoolsuchasLastPass (
( If you’re thinkingofswitching, there’sanew
option in Chrome 64 that lets youeasily transfer your login data.
Typechrome://flagsinto theaddress bar, press Enter and
search forthe entry‘Password export’. Select Enabledfromthe
drop-downmenu,relaunchChromeand either typechrome://
settings/passwordsin theaddress barorgotoSettings,
Advanced,‘Passwordsand forms’ and choose ‘Manage
passwords’.Click thethree-dot menubutton next to ‘Saved
passwords’, select Export and click theExportPasswordsbutton.
Youcan nowsave your
CSVfilethatcan be printed
or imported to amore
secure passwordmanager
sees it,though!).
empathyinchickens, theBritish Rail
flying saucer or theTanganyika
laughter epidemic of 1962.
Anew Chrome extensioncalled
WikiPopularity (
youexactly howmanypeople
viewed thecurrent pageoverthe
last year,inthe form of agraph that
appearsinthe top-right corner of
thearticle.The data includesthe
total numberof viewseachday and
theaverage number, so youcan
pinpointdates when that topic
provedparticularly interestingto
Wikipedia users. WikiPopularity also
showsyou the1,000 most popular
articles from thelast 24 hours when
youclick theTrending Articles link
on theleft-hand side of thepage.
When we visited, this list wastopped
by ‘David Bowiediscography’, which
attracted1,066,417 views.
next to the‘AddtoDesktop’buttonto
sharedetails of theextension viaemail.
Restoretheeight-tile layout
onyour NewTabpage
Chrome’s NewTab pagetraditionally
features eightthumbnail ‘tiles’ that
provideone-click access to your most
visitedwebsites. However, version64
of thebrowser makesthese thumbnail
images larger andusesthe size of your
browserwindowtodetermine the
numberof tiles displayed, so youmay
onlysee four,particularly if youuse a
smallorlow-resolution monitor.
If youwanttorestore thefullset of
eightNew Tabthumbnails, try
maximising your browserwindowtosee
if theextra spacebrings back the
missingtiles,orholddownthe Ctrl key
on your keyboardand scroll your mouse
wheeltozoomoutfromthe pageuntil
eighttiles aredisplayed.
Alternatively, installthe Chrome
extensionNew TabReloaded (
reloaded 446 ), whichrestoresthe page
to its‘classic’eight-tile appearance.
Wikipedia hasarticles on so many niche
topics that youmay assumeyou’rethe
first person in yearstobereadingabout
Best NewBrowser Tools
Export your Chromepasswords more easily