WebUser – 04 April 2018

(Michael S) #1
Pressthe pencil’s cloth-covered pointon
thestuck pixeland massageitgently

TheLCD DeadPixelTestclearly highlights
theproblempixel on ourscreen

Discusspixel-fixinghacksatforum.webuser.co.uk 4-17April 201^847

Ourfirst step wastogivethe entire
screen agentleclean,tomakesureany
merelyspecks of dust.Wethen firedup
ourweb browser, setittofull-screen
modeand ranthe LCDDeadPixel Test
(bit.ly/pixel446). Thetestdisplays
pageswithasolid background colour
(black,white,red,green or blue)
to make it easy to spot anystuck
We were alreadyaware of onestuck
pixelonour test monitor,and used the
therewereany others. Having
established that therewas just theone,
we took abluntpencil and wrapped the
pointinasmall piece of cloth, then
lightly dippedthe end in boiling water.
We then carefully–and gently–applied
problempixel,^2 takingcarenot to
press toomanysurroundingpixels.

Theidea hereistomassagethe stuck
pixelsothatthe liquid in itssub-pixelsis
spread equally and it lets throughthe
right amountoflight.

Anotherway to tackle theproblem of stuckpixels is to useaweb-based
solutionsuchasJScreenFix(www.jscreenfix.com). To useit, just click the
LaunchJScreenFixbuttonand drag thepixel fixer(asquare of continuously
flashingand cyclingpixels)over
theproblem area,then leave it
therefor around10 minutes–or
longer,ifyou’renot in anyhurry.
JScreenFix’screators sayitcan
fixmostLCD or OLED screens
andhas a60% success rate.
ourstubbornstuck pixel.



our monitor’s screen maydisplay
severalmillionindividualpixels so
asingle stuck(or dead)one really
shouldn’tmatter. However, onceyou
spotit, youwon’t everbeable to unsee
it –thattinywrong-coloured dotwill
tauntyou continually. Fortunately,you
maybeable to unstick it with nothing

more high-techthanawarmcloth.
Before we progress,it’simportant to
explainthe differencebetween astuck
pixeland adeadone.Ifyour problem
pixelisdisplaying adifferent colour
from allthe pixels aroundit (slightly
changinghueasthe colours aroundit
change), then thepixel is stuck. If it’s

permanently black,then it’s probably
dead.Astuck pixel, which can be red,
green,blueorany combination of
thesecolours,can be unstuck,but a
dead onecan’tbebrought back to life.
That said,stuck pixels can sometimes
look like dead ones,soit’sstillworth
trying to unstick it.

WayneWilliamstriestoavoid buying areplacementmonitor with
theaid of adamp cloth, apencil and some gentle rubbing

Does it REALLY work?

Fixstuck pixels with adampcloth

We test intriguingtechhacks from theweb

to discoverifthey’re fact or fiction



fi io



1 2 Theresult
Afteracoupleofattempts, we managed
to unstickthe pixel, butabout20
minuteslater,itstuck again. We
repeatedthe process asecondtimebut
thestuck pixelsimplycame back again,
suggestingthisproblemisn’t something
that canbeeasily fixed. However, it’s
still worthtryingasitmay work foryou.
Becausethisfix involves an element
of risk(if you’re notcareful youcould
damage your screen), it should be
treated as alast resort.Wewould
recommend trying theJScreenFix
method first (see boxout,below), or if
your monitor is still withinwarranty, you
couldtry returningitfor areplacement.

JScreenFix claims to unstickmost
problempixels,soit’sworth atry
Free download pdf