66 4-17April 2018
Askthe Expert
Roland Waddilove,computerprogrammerandPC
Investigate mysterioususer
Iwas lookingatmyharddrive the
other dayand in C:\Users,Ifound
foldersfor theDefault account, the
Public account, my accountand another
onecalledUpdatusUser. This is also
listed as auseraccountinfile
permissions, butitdoesn’t appear in the
User Accounts sections of theControl
Panelorthe Windows Settings app.
I’m worriedthatthis maybemalware
or thatahacker mighthave got intomy
computer.ShouldIdeletethe folder?
HowdoIdeletethe account if Ican’t see
it in Settingsor the Control Panel?
JHarris, viaemail
We cansee howfindingastrange
user accounthidden on your PC
couldbeworryingbut in this case,
there’snocause foralarm.
On some computers withNvidia
graphics cards, thedrivercreates this
accounttoperform updates. It’s a
specialwrite-restrictedaccount, which
youcan’t access in theusual ways.
Deleting it maystopthe video driver
My PC crashed whileIwas updating
Windows and afew other programs.
When Irebooted, some programsfailed
to startand awindowopened telling me
that System32.dll hadfailed.
AfriendsuggestedIreplacethe DLL
file and use my Windows 7disc to repair
the harddrive, but the DVDdrivewon’t
read, and an external DVDdrivedidn’t
work either.Myfriendsaid the only other
optionmightbe to connectmy hard
drivetohis PC and recoverorreinstall
from there. Whatdid my PC catch?
RogerIrwin,via email
It didn’t necessarilycatch anything
–sometimes updatesjust go wrong
fornoapparentreason. It’s toolatefor
this now, butfor thebenefit of others,
Todo Backup Free (bit.ly/easu446)
allows youtorestore Windows easily.
Thereare severalpossible fixes. First,
go to Start, AllPrograms, Accessories,
System Tools, System Restore. Here,
you’ll find alistofrestore points.Select
onethatwas savedonadatebefore
your problems started, click Next and
follow theinstructions.
Another possible fixistogotoStart,
AllPrograms, Accessories, Command
Prompt.Right-click it and select ‘Run as
administrator’.Inthe window, type
sfc /scannowand press Enter.
Afinal thingtotry is to press F8 just
afterswitchingonyou PC to summon
theAdvanced Boot Optionsscreen.
Here,you canselecteither Last Known
Good Configuration or Repair Your
Computer. Therepairoptionboots into
Recovery Options. Tryusing Startup
Repair and System Restore.
If allelse fails, your friend’s suggestion
of hookingupyourdrive to hisPCas
aseconddrive mayhelp.
Give other userspermission
to access files
When Itry to move avideo file from
my hard drivetomynetwork-
attached storage (NAS)device, Ireceive
performthisaction”.However, I’ve done
this many timesinthe past withoutany
trouble.Idid switch from aWindows
account, butIthink aWindows 10
update mighthave caused theproblem.
TerryWareing,via email
Files canbeassigned to specific
accounts,which meansone user
canhave permission to do what they
like withitwhile another is blocked.
Youcan change afile’spermissions –
there’sasimple waytodothisand
amorecomplicated one.
Iuse Chrome as the
main browseronmy
Windows 10 PC and my
Chromebook,and it
workswell. However, Ican’t getyour
‘Block annoyingads’ tipfromIssue
442toworkoneither computer
because Ican’t seeanentry forAds
under‘Site settings’.
TimHudson, viaemail
First, checkthatyou have the
latest versionofChrome: go to
themenu andclick Help,then About
Google Chrome. Next,gotoawebsite
and click thefirst icon in theaddress
box. This displays apanel of
informationaboutthe site.Click ‘Site
settings’ at thebottom, and apage
appearswithsettings relatedtothe
site.The Adssetting is halfwaydown
and should be settoblock by default.
We haven’tnoticed anyreduction in
advertisingonwebsitessince Google
introducedthistool. Theads must
have to be really badtotrigger
blocking, because it seemstolet all
theads throughonthe siteswevisit.
in Chrome
Thelatestversion of Chromeincludesadblocking
Access thesetools from thebootmenu
to Repair Windows7