Holovis Secures Multi-million Investment
HONGKONG: Holovis, a creator of
transforma ve, mul -sensory immersive
experiences and new technologies for the
Enterprise, Entertainment, Museum and
Simula on sectors, has announced a mul -
million dollar minority investment in the
company by Hong Kong listed corpora on
Road King Investment and Asset
Management Group Limited.
Established in 2004, Holovis currently has
110 employees with its head office in central
UK, as well as innova on centres in Mayfair
London, Shanghai China and Orlando USA.
“This significant investment will allow
Holovis to grow more strategically,
par cularly in the Far East, whilst
maintaining our market leadership posi on
in delivering unique, innova on-led
solu ons for our global clients,” said Holovis
CEO Stuart Hetherington. “With Road King's
backing we will accelerate our development
of immersive, mixed reality solu ons,
tailored to specific market applica ons in
the enterprise, entertainment, museum and
simula on sectors, including rolling out our
exci ng, market-defining Extended-
Experience augmented and mixed reality
technology pla orm,” he elaborated. “We
will also be deepening and extending our
innova on pipeline bringing new and
exci ng products to market in the next 12
months. With our new partner investor, our
Far East opera on will also significantly
expand across all market sectors, as well as
integra ng Holovis experiences into Road
King's exis ng and new real estate projects
they own and operate across China.”
Road King has expanded its investment
division's focus to bring together specialist
technology companies such as Holovis, to
work alongside other complimentary
businesses within their por olio to leverage
the synergies and opportuni es this new
mul disciplinary group can now deliver
across China.
Says William Zen, Chairman of Road King:
"This partnership with Holovis, along with
our other technology investments, brings a
unique capability to Road King's vision and
strategy in designing and building the next-
genera on of visitor a rac ons and public
venue experiences in the Far East. This
investment also supports and underpins
Holovis and Road King's plans to expand
into the Chinese Enterprise and Simula on
markets, which are both showing strong
year-on-year growth opportuni es.”
HDBaseT Alliance
Becomes Afliate
of Worlddidac
the cross-industry group tasked with
promo ng and advancing the HDBaseT
standard, has become an affiliate of
Worlddidac, the global trade associa on
dedicated to the development of educa on
worldwide. As an affiliate, the HDBaseT
Alliance will work closely with Worlddidac to
promote the most suitable audiovisual
infrastructure for the classrooms of today
and the future.
HDBaseT is a standard for the transmission
of audio, video, Ethernet, USB, controls and
power, over the same category cable, for up
to 100m/328 . It simplifies installa ons and
op mizes the distribu on of content for a
be er user experience. As today's
classrooms increasingly rely on technology
to educate the future genera ons, the
HDBaseT standard, with thousands of
products in the market from more than 200
AV manufacturers, is the enabling solu on
that is easy to install, maintain, and operate.
Worlddidac works on all educa on sectors,
in all countries, and with the relevant
na onal associa ons. It is the only global
associa on dedicated to the development of
educa on worldwide, crea ng value for all.
Worlddidac members are manufacturers of
educa onal materials, dealers, distributors,
interna onal associa ons, governmental
ins tu ons, schools, universi es and private
entrepreneurs working in educa on business
at all levels and in all fields.
“HDBaseT is the obvious choice for the
audiovisual needs of the classroom of today
and tomorrow,” said Ariel Sobelman,
President of the HDBaseT Alliance. “It brings
a clean, clu er-free solu on, giving our
educa onal professionals more
opportuni es without the usual technical
challenges. We are excited to work with
Says Danny Gauch, Director General of
Worlddidac: “We are confident, that this
coopera on is highly beneficial for the
members of our associa ons. Together with
our members and partners around the
globe, we create one of the world's leading
business forums specifically for the
promo on of trade and investment within
the educa on market worldwide.”
William Zen, Chairman of Road King, and Stuart Hetherington, CEO
of Holovis in a handshake during the occasion.