Systems Integration Asia Co-organises First Smaart Training in the Philippines
PHILIPPINES: Systems Integra on Asia
together with Marci Sang-Olan brought the
first Smaart training to the Philippines on 13
and 14 of March 2018. The training was
spearheaded by Chris Tsanjoures from
ra onal acous cs and was held at the
Holiday Inn Manila Galleria. A total of 30
delegates a ended the paid for training.
“Marci had approached me last year and
felt that a Smaart training was required in
the Philippines. So we partnered him to
bring the training. Marci did put in a lot of
effort in spreading the word and ge ng the
commitment from companies to send the
delegates. We were pleasantly pleased with
the turnout as the training fees were higher
than usual for the market,” said Thomas
Prakasam, Publisher of Systems Integra on
Asia magazine.
The training saw a mix of delegates from
the rental&staging, SIs, a church, an
educa on facility and a hospitality
organisa on.
Jus n Santos of
Forscink Inc comments,
“We have been using
Smaart for 2 years
now. I am pleased that
I came to the training
as it gave me the
opportunity to
understand the updates be er. The SPL
feature was especially useful as it provides
a log and be er monitoring which certainly
helps us with our work.”
Noel de Brackinghe of
Soundcheck felt that
the training was
definitely helpful. “We
have been using Smaart
and most of the
knowledge we have
gathered has been third
hand. So it was good to hear straight from
the developers and Chris explained many of
the features well. We mostly handle the
foreign shows and with their exac ng
requirements, the li le ps and tricks that
Chris shared with us offered us clarity on
why we need to do some of the stuff to
help us with our work be er.”
Concurring that the
training was useful,
Elizer Ylanan of
Stagecra Interna onal
adds, “The first day
training on the
op misa on process
was very helpful in
understanding the so ware be er. I
certainly benefited from the knowledge
gained in terms of how to be er calibrate
and on frame alignment and so forth.”
Co-organiser Marci Sang-olan concludes,
“With the rise of hotels, resorts and the
increasing numbers of foreign acts here in
the Philippines, the bar for technical
standards must be at par with other
countries. Understanding the so ware
enables the user to be more consistent in
frequency response & sound level from one
show to another. I strongly suggest that
everyone involved in audio who would
want to take their skills to the next level
SHOULD a end the course. We are glad
with the turnout and we hope to do more
trainings in the near future.
Systems Integra on Asia would also like to
acknowledge the support of AVLS, AVSC
and Beyond The Blue for their technical
Delegates of the first Smaart Training in the Philippines
Thomas, Chris and Marci