Ÿ 2015 - State level Karnataka SMB
Award in 2015 for Innova on
Ÿ 2016 - Inaugural Systems
Integra on India Award (Best
Indian Corporate Systems
Integrator Award) in 2016 (under
the Premium Category)
Ÿ 2016 - Na onal India SME 100
Award in (Ministry of Commerce,
Government of India; ranking 7th
amongst 49,023 companies)
Ÿ The AV Awards 2016 in London (of
430 total Global Entries, the only
Systems Integrator in Asia to have
ever won the AVAward),
Ÿ The InAVa on Awards 2017 for
InfoComm Standards during ISE
2017 (the first and only Systems
Integrator globally to have done
Ÿ The SEBA Award in 2017.
Ÿ 2017 - AVIXA (formerly InfoComm
Interna onal) AV Women of the
Year for Mahua
Ÿ 2018 - Woman Leader of the Year
(na onal) for Mahua.
Recent and Noteworthy
manage mul ple hires within a specific meframe.
AVID's consultants use proven methodology to
deliver seamless, workflow-driven talent
acquisi on strategies that can help the customer
secure the right talent, quickly and effec vely.
With Kaushik conver ng the idea into reality and
spearheading the company, Mahua leading the
Opera ons and Execu on while Avinash Nichani
designing solu ons and ensuring sales growth, the
story of AVID's successful roadmap is encapsulated
in the individual journeys of each of its clients,
people and partners. As their customer base grew,
they worked with their people, and as they
created new opportuni es with their partners,
AVID's story took a very uniquely inspiring script.
In a rapidly evolving Asia, like reckoned earlier,
there have been many strong currents of both
opportuni es and obstacles that needed a very
cau ous and conscious naviga on. “There was
always a journey that had to be undertaken, to
achieve the desired success,” Kaushik recalls.
While the Core Team worked on strategies to
make AVID a quality conscious and profit making
enterprise, Avinash Nichani con nued to focus on
expanding interna onal sales, and Manoj Kumar
and Umesh Pashan have put in their skills to grow
na onal sales. They all have had their roles and
tasks cut out, and went about them assiduously.
“This, obviously was not possible without having
systems and processes in place which further
enhanced the overall experience of a smooth
project execu on,” recounts the AVID chief.
Thoroughly exposed to the tenets of trade, the
AVID project team always ensured that it was
proac ve with its assignments, and with the
foursome of Keshava Rao, Suresh Kumar, Naveen
Kumar and Venkataramu GB leading the execu on
and deliverables of their projects.
Being in technology business, AVID claims it is
commi ed to ensure that their domain knowledge
on integra on is always in-depth and current. That
mo vates the teams involved in each assignment
to see beyond the obvious and implement the
best solu ons for clients. Understanding the
importance of skills upgrada on, and widening
the talent pool, AVID top management proac vely
invests in training and cer fica ons for their
employees. Training is mandatory and an integral
part of AVID's rou ne.
“The company believes in peer to peer training,
thereby ensuring the team got the right
knowledge to support clients,” asserts Kaushik.
According to him, AVID's team collec vely have
430+ Cer fica ons and coun ng.
AVID's programming teams are always advised to
lay op mum focus on customizing the designs
they create, par cularly while designing control
systems- due to the high degree of cri cal factors
and requirements as such. More, their focus has
always been on func onality with aesthe cs. The
programmers spend a lot of me to ensure every
design created is not only unique but also
relevant; we thus push their crea vity beyond
boundaries,” vouches Kaushik who stays central as
a guiding factor in most endeavours. “This only
proved me and again on the commitment level
each individual has in the growth of the
organisa on.”
An independent Audit team keeps a constant eye
on the quality of installs while a dedicated Health
and Safety team ensured minimal risks at site.
“The strength of AVID has always been in people
orienta on,” asserts Mahua, Kaushik's partner in
life and business. “That the company is genuinely
put in people-oriented approach, it helped a great,
loyal employee base, that in turn helped the
company keep the customer happy.”
“We have created an Equal
Opportunity Workplace in
the organiza on for all to
operate on a level-playing
- Mahua Mukhopadhyay
“The strength of the
company lies in the
commitment level of each
individual to provide the best
of services to our customers.”
- Avinash Nichan
Sr. Vice President (Sales)
“AVID Team always believes
that quality stays at the heart
of every individual, and in
everything they do. It
symbolizes the innova ve
technology solu ons that are
connec ng organiza ons,
their people and partners- no
ma er where they are in the
- Suresh Kumar,
Sr. Regional Project Manager