AV in the Worship Sector
The AV requirements within the Worship sector has seen a sisme c
shi in what is now installed. Audio has and will always be a prime
considera on regardless of religion. Temples, Mosques, Synagogues
and Churches have a common thread and that is to ensure that their
worship and preaching is audible and intelligent. Audio technology
has improved by leaps and bounds, that has enabled houses of
worship to improve the audio reach and intelligibility and even have
the ability to have speakers blended into the architecture and design.
What is becoming more prevalent is the integra on of visual
technologies. One main purpose is to allow over-crowded spaces to
have a visual connec on to what is happening in the main prayer hall.
However, Digital Signage is also making inroads into the worship
space to not only offer direc on but to keep worshippers informed of
ac vi es. There is also the influence of video produc on and
streaming being ac vely engaged at houses of worship as well. Some
churches are also beginning to put emphasis on ligh ng be it
architectural or for within the sanctuary.
Churches in the region seem to be the most ac ve when it comes to
deploying all aspects of AV solu ons. SI Asia thus spoke to a few
professionals involved in the Church segment about what they are
seeing as a trend in the Worship Sector where AV is concerned.
Robert Soo: Consultant, Cogent Acous cs,
Are you as a consultant seeing any major
technology shi in terms of requirement in
Houses of Worship? If yes what are they?
For sound requirements, I do not see major shi s
but there is a strong con nuing trend in migra ng analog to digital
across the board, from mixing consoles to infrastructure, as users
begin to understand the benefits it brings to produc vity, control,
flexibility, ease of implementa on, quality and in many instances, cost
efficiency. Thus, when Houses of Worship (HoW) need to replace
their aging sound systems, it's almost a no brainer for most to make
the migra on. Dante is one example of a media networking solu on
that has seen a fast growing acceptance and implementa on within
the HoW community.
As for video, most HoW are usually slower in keeping up with industry
standards and prac ces, though they are gradually progressing along,
because unlike the audio universe where most things analog from
decades ago are s ll run and supported today, video formats and
standards progress and get obsoleted quicker, so everything in the
signal chain need to step up, with infrastructure suppor ng up to 4k.
However, I do see an increase in the demand for live video streaming
over the net (as more are reaching out to the greater masses via their
website or YouTube, etc.) as well as distribu on of AV over IP.
Nafiri Discipleship Church at Baywalk Jakarta featuring LED screens installed by V2 Indonesia