hang from the ceiling without requiring customer interrup ons and
heavy construc on.
“As the principal contractor overseeing all of these projects, Digital
Place Solu ons is proud to have delivered them all on me and on
budget,“ DPS Director Gerry Thorley added. “Our team has the
exper se to deploy displays without bulky cables or any adding any
addi onal structure to the mall. The result is a super thin display
that appears to float in the space and enhances the environment
that mall owners are delivering to consumers. Digital Place Solu ons
understands the opera ng requirements of retail space and despite
complicated access and installa on environments we were able to
seamlessly deploy these magnificent displays in just a few shi s.”
Lastly, QICGRE required a certain level of performance guarantee,
which NanoLumens delivered with its unrivalled six-year, down-to-
the-pixel warranty. Between the warranty and the innova ve Nixel-
based design, by which the display is comprised of small individual
LED panels that snap together seamlessly, any future repairs can be
done quickly without impac ng the mall's opera on.
“Working with NanoLumens display technology has allowed us to
deliver 100 percent sa sfac on to retail mall owners through
unique, eye-popping installa ons,” Thorley added. “Whether used to
create revenue with adver sing or provide informa on and
announcements, the displays demand the a en on of every
shopper. It's a great feeling to be able to listen to what our clients
want, no ma er how bold, and tell them 'yes, we can do that.' With
NanoLumens, we can.”
Commen ng on the installa ons and the success of the rela onship
with both DPS and QICGRE, NanoLumens Vice President of Sales
East-US and Interna onal Almir DeCarvalho stressed the values
shared by each partner. “A transforma ve business outcome can
only result from a team that is commi ed to excellence in every
phase of the project,” he said. “NanoLumens provides one very
important component of the successful rela onship — world class
LED-based visualiza on solu ons in any size, shape or curvature a
client desires — but it is s ll only one piece of the equa on. It
requires the vision of the customer, QICGRE, and the commitment to
excellence by our installa on partner, DPS, to bring it all to life in a
way that generates a more complete customer engagement
solu on. We look forward to many more projects with DPS and
The Westpoint Shopping Centre NanoLumens LED measures 2.7432m by 4.8768m and weighs 698.53kg