Asian Geographic - April 2018

(singke) #1
Perfumes were made from flowers like lilies,
lotuses and chrysanthemums. People also
burned incense candles in their bedrooms to
perfume their hair and clothes using aromatics
like Persian rosewater and patchouli oil

Lipstick was made from beeswax and
occasionally scented with tea oils. Lip gloss
was created from a combination of vermillion-
coloured minerals and animal fat

The earliest nail polishes were made from gum,
gelatin and egg. The colour of the polish denoted
social class: Only royalty could wear gold, silver,
black and red, while those from the lower classes
were forbidden from using bright colours

After a princess was said to have woken
up with the imprint of a fallen plum blossom
on her forehead, it became fashionable for
women to draw flowers on their faces and
glue items like bird feathers, fish scales,
dragonfly wings and precious stones to
their foreheads, cheeks and eyes

Beauty lotions were juice extracts from
plants such as gourd stems, while apricot
and peach oils relieved liver spots and
freckles and moisturised the skin.
Honey was a popular face mask

Eyebrows were reshape=d and painted
using charcoal, gold powder, or inks
made from plant ash and coloured
soot; indigo, black, blue and brown
were common shades

Perfume was made from dried clove
buds, believed to have a calming
and rejuvenating effect. People
bathed in water scented with
clove and also used the spice
as a deodorant

Poorer women used dried red
peppers to colour their lips,
while royalty used a combination
of saffron flowers and cinnabar

In pursuit of a fair complexion, women brushed
their faces with a white powder containing
ground rice, zinc and lead. The application
likely led to serious skin diseases

Bird droppings were famously used for facials:
Uguisu no fun (nightingale faeces) was beloved
for its ability to condition and soothe skin.
Monks also used it to polish their bald scalps

Also a practice in Southeast
Asia, the Pacific Islands
and South America, women
stained their teeth black by
drinking a cocktail of oxidised
iron filings, soaked in spiced
tea or alcohol to cover up the
unpleasant taste

Safflower pigment was used
as a rouge and lipstick, and
became so popular that it was
worth its weight in gold ag


Korea Japan

2nd century Bce

1st century Bce 7th century

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