Asian Geographic - April 2018

(singke) #1

“You see that guy in the

film Harry Potter? He’s got

a magic stick, right? What

is that stick? The same as

a ruesi’s staff, of course!”

Chaichatree, elder ruesi

a magic stick, right? What is that stick?

The same as a ruesi’s staff, of course!”

It is precisely these magic powers that have

drawn increasing numbers in recent years to

begin seeking out the ruesi again. In a quaint

suburban housing estate in Chiang Mai’s

Maejo municipality, a gaggle of people sip tea

and mingle over blaring Thai holy music on

the front lawn of a detached two-storey house.

This is the home of a third ruesi, Phuttavet

Khemmatevo, and he prefers the city life.

Sitting in the living room amid Buddhist

and Hindu statues, Phuttavet facilitates a

Despite spending years isolated in the wild, ruesi require
remarkably few belongings. We take a peek at Ketmunee’s old kit:

In his bag: Ketmunee


  1. Two monk robes
    for cold weather

  2. Beaded necklace

  3. Blanket

  4. Sleeping mat

  5. Book of holy texts

  6. Leopard print hat

  7. Linen bag

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