Tyre Asia – May-June 2018

(Sean Pound) #1

58 Tyre Asia April/May 2018


Apollo Tyres’

Global Growth


From a small town in rubber growing south Indian state of Kerala,
Apollo Tyres has traversed a long road to become one of the top brands
in Europe. Thanks to its acquisition strategy, when it brought into its
fold the iconic Dutch brand Vredestein, it signalled Apollo’s declaration
to be a global leader in tyres in various segments that customers accept
because of quality, durability and safety. This arduous journey, during
which it faced many challenges including the aborted attempt to
acquire Cooper Tire & Rubber Company – the American company that
makes replacement automobile and truck tyres – only strengthened the
resolve of company Chairman Onkar Kanwar and his son Vice-President
& Managing Director Neeraj Kanwar to keep climbing the ladder to
become one of the top global players

TA News Bureau


op companies frequently review
past records of performance and
experiences however unpleasant
these may be as they firm up future
strategies. They do not ignore setbacks, but
consider them as opportunities to learn and
move forward. Apollo Tyres is no exception.
It has gone through many diverse and
complex situations, but came up winners. It
has a dynamic determination to be a leader.
It is in its DNA.
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