Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1

  1. Colonel Sergei Skripal
    begins work for Russia’s GRU
    military intelligence service.
    Transferred to Spain, it is here
    where he is reportedly recruited
    by MI6 as a double agent.

  2. Given the codename
    Forthwith (unconfirmed by Eye
    Spy) by MI6, he starts to
    produce volumes of high-grade
    intelligence in return for money
    and a promise of a ‘Western
    gateway’ if his role is compro-
    mised or threatened.

  3. Skripal exits the GRU
    and secures work with the pro-
    vincial Government in Moscow.
    He continues to act as an MI

manipulating information in the public space,”
while Sweden also forcefully rejected the


Russian news ar ticles considered by
intelligence analysts to be par t of a long-
running and cleverly managed Kremlin
disinformation campaign, included interviews
with ‘former’ unnamed security chiefs and
unknown commentators with no expertise or

One analyst said: “You can think of them as
dismiss, distor t, distract and dismay. You
insult the critic, then distort by falsifying the
evidence. “Distract is the whole ‘if they
accuse you, you accuse them’ method, and
then there’s the conspiracy theorists. Dismay
comes when they threaten ‘horrible things will
happen if you do this’.”

Analysts note the similarities in the Skripal
disinformation techniques to those used
following the downing of Flight MH17.


Throughout April and into May, Russian media
houses have spawned a multitude of con-
spiracy theories including that the US stole
samples of Novichoks while decontaminating
a former Soviet Union testing plant in



contact man passing informa-
tion through various people.

  1. A mole inside Spanish
    Intelligence provides Moscow
    with intelligence on his threads
    to the UK and Skripal is detained
    and subsequently charged with
    espionage. His arrest follows the
    discovery of a secret bank
    account in Spain in which an
    MI6 paymaster deposited
    around $100,000 for his
    services. Of interest, Alexander
    Litvinenko was also engaged in
    some form of activity on behalf
    of MI6 in Spain at the time.

  2. Skripal is found guilty of
    high treason by a Moscow court

exchange for 10 Russian SVR,
GRU and FSB sleeper agents in
the United States. Skripal, his
wife Lyudmila and daughter
Yulia, settle in Salisbury,
Wiltshire, England where he
‘buys’ a house. He is given an
annual pension of between

  1. L yudmila, 59, dies of

  2. His son Sasha, 43, dies
    of liver failure in St Petersburg.

FSB counter-intelligence officers arrest Sergei Skripal

and jailed for 13 years. He is
despatched to a penal colony
following a two year internment.
The conclusion of the case is
celebrated in Moscow and
follows quickly on the heels of
another FSB success over MI

  • the discovery of a British
    Intelligence communication
    device disguised as a rock in a
    Moscow park.

  1. He is unexpectedly par-
    doned and released as part of a
    spy-exchange to the West in

Sergei Skripal was forcefully detained in 2004 MI6 ‘spy rock’ Lyudmila’s grave stone

Mr Chizhov’s comments came after Russian
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria
Zakharova said, the UK was one of the most
likely sources of the nerve agent, along with
the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden or
possibly the United States. Speaking to
journalists Zakharova said: “A large number of
ex-Soviet scientists had gone to live in the
West, taking with them the technologies that
they were working on.” Czech Foreign Minister
Martin Stropnicky said the claims were
“unsubstantiated” and “a classic way of

Gary Aitkenhead - CEO Dstl - denies
any security breach at Porton Down

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Maria Zakharova with President Putin
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