Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1


both were given a tour of Langley. On
Thanksgiving Day, Fitzwater delivered a joint of
ham to Margaret and at Christmas she
received a roasted turkey from the DDA!

Margaret passed away aged 92 on 7 Novem-
ber 1986, by which time her neighbours - the
CIA - had been operating over 25 years out of
Langley. Fulfilling the legal agreement, CIA
acquired the proper ty and over the next few
years, there were debates and proposals on
what should be done with the house and

CIA Security Protective Officers (SPOs) slowly
took over the main house and brought with

them their K-9 unit. The house, over 60 years
old, was not in good condition. For the next 15
years, the SPOs and their dogs occupied the
building, using it to house and maintain their
motor bikes, converting the rooms into
makeshift maintenance areas and erecting
workbenches. Eventually the SPOs built
outdoor dog kennels near the Calvert Estate,
which are still in use today.

The residence was now considered old and
dangerous and a decision was made to tear it
down. However, many of the employees loved
the property and the then head of facilities
management decided to have the house
professionally evaluated. It was found that it
was not only structurally sound, but its
outstanding design, workmanship, and
materials made it eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places.

In 2003, the Calvert Estate underwent a
complete renovation and rooms converted to
a state-of-the-art conference centre. To
preserve the original house and to pay
homage to its occupants, the renovation team
designed a discreet tribute just outside of the
dining room. If someone didn’t point it out,
you would never think to look up at the ceiling.
But if you did, you would see a 3x3 foot-wide
square cut-out in the ceiling, covered by a
thick piece of glass. When you position

yourself correctly, you can look up through the
glass and see the original wood frame of the
Calvert Estate, still intact, just as it stood in

CIA-backed Contras

Overhead view of CIA headquarters Langley, Virginia, showing extensive grounds.
Inset: D/CIA William Casey held an honourary lunch for one of the residents of the ‘big house’

‘Ranson’ - one of today’s
operational CIA dogs

The CIA has built
a museum on the
upper floor of
Staircase leading to upper levels the house
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