Eye Spy - May 2018

(Tuis.) #1


Alexander Litvinenko and Boris Berezovsky. Based in the UK, both
men were opponents of the Kremlin who lived perilous lives


programme was revealed by defectors who
fled to the US including Vil Mirzayanov, a
chemical weapons developer.

Dr Mirzayanov said as many as 40,000 people
worked on the VX programme and at least
1,000 on Novichoks specifically. “Novichok
was invented and studied and experimented

Sergei Skripal - former GRU military
intelligence officer and MI6 agent

Sarov - location of the
VNIIEF-Federal Nuclear
Centre and Avangard
Electromechanical Plant
and likely production facility


used to manufacture the VX agent used in
the attack on the Skripals.

Sarov is a closed town in Nizhny
Novgorod Oblast, Russia, formerly known
as Arzamas-16 from 1946 to 1991. Until
1995, it was known as Kremlyov. The
town is designated ‘closed’ due to the
nuclear research conducted here. Many
of its residents are attached to the plant.

During the protracted inquiry and
investigation into the death of Alexander
Litvinenko, his legal team said that a
private researcher hired by the family
claimed to have traced the source of the
deadly Polonium-210 used in his demise,
to the Avangard Electromechanical Plant.

In more recent times, a super-computer
located at a Russian nuclear research
facility in Sarov was reportedly targeted
by two site engineers who wanted to use

it to mine cryptocurrencies. “There has
been an attempt of unsanctioned use of
workplace computing capacities for
personal gain, including for so-called
mining,” the press service of the Sarov
nuclear weapons facility explained. The
statement said the employees involved
had been arrested and are facing criminal

[with] and many tonnes were produced only in
Russia - nobody knew in this world,”
Mirzayanov said. He argues that only the
Kremlin would have the capability to deploy
this particular agent.

Dr Patricia Lewis, Research Director for
International Security at London-based think
tank Chatham House, said Novichoks could be
identified because they have distinct chemical
formulae. “There could be contaminants that
would give away where it has come from,”
she said, adding that high-resolution trace
analysis could detect pollen and other clues.

British UN Ambassador Jonathan Allen, said
Novichok was not a weapon which can be
manufactured by non-state actors. “It is so
dangerous that it requires the highest-grade
state laboratories and expertise,” he said.

“Based on the knowledge that Russia has
previously produced this agent and combined
with Russia’s record of conducting state
sponsored assassinations - including against
former intelligence officers whom they regard
Porton Down gateway as legitimate targets - the UK Government

Ambassador Jonathan Allen blames Russia
in a speech delivered at the United Nations

Tsar Bombe (casing) - NATO reporting
name of the Soviet hydrogen bomb on
display at the Museum of Sarov
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