Outdoor ASIA - July 2018

(Marcin) #1

37 August 2018

risk of their DOOH inventory becoming out-dated in a
relatively short span of time?

As DOOH advertising is fast approaching 50% of
ad revenue, economics will work for updates and
replacements where needed. Of course, software
updates like those in Tesla cars, don’t require changes
in or to hardware.

Using AR / VR and other interactive technologies, do
you think advertising on DOOH formats can deliver an
entirely new experience for the brands and consumers

Yes. At a recent DPAA member meeting we had IPG
and Two Goats Advertising present ground breaking
“experiential” ad campaigns utilising outdoor
advertising. We will see much more of this to come.

From the buyers’ perspective, how easy or difficult is
it to plan and buy media? Do you expect to see any big
changes with regard to DOOH planning and buying?

Well, as we are moving from the “Mad Man” age of
advertising to the “Math Men” era, we are employing
more algorithmic, data and machine driven models of
media planning and buying. At DPAA, we established
the global standards for OOH Programmatic trading
for creative and tech protocols. As early drivers
of programmatic in OOH, we encourage our global
members to embrace all forms of media selling from
high touch, long term, very involved sponsorships all

the way through to more automated systems. These
changes will continue to make media planning and
buying more effective and efficient. At the same time
the power, impact and reach of great OOH advertising
planning and buying with high human involvement is
still unmatched.

Do you see advertising showing a particular
preference for digital OOH media?

Yes, definitely due to three factors. We are seeing more
fragmentation and less effectiveness globally of in-
home media. Press, radio, tv, desktop use are more
compromised and challenged than ever. Secondly,
society is spending more time being mobile, outside
the home and urban. Thirdly, OOH is bringing all of the
digital ad aspects and opportunities to advertisers.

Which are the key areas where DPAA is active? Are
you connected with the Indian OOH industry?

We are very proud of all our global DPAA Members
from N. America to EMEA, Latin America and Asia. Of
particular note, we are extremely proud to be a partner
of Vyoma, India’s largest integrated signage medium.
Shriranga and Shoumitro have led the way for over 10
years of bringing great innovation to India transit and
advertising that is admired by all of our global DPAA
Members. Additionally, next year, we will be hosting
our first DPAA Video Everywhere Summit in Mumbai,
continuing our successful runs in US and Canada. In
fact, our Global Summit will be held this year in New
York on October 30, again attracting over 900 industry
leaders to hear from global CMOs, ad agency and media
leaders and worldwide newsmakers.l

“As early drivers of

programmatic in OOH, we

encourage our global members

to embrace all forms of media

selling from high touch,

long term, very involved

sponsorships all the way

through to more automated



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