Saga Magazine – August 2018

(Sean Pound) #1


(^2018) I SAGA.CO.UK/AUG-MAG (^85)
Have a
Email editor@saga., putting
‘Travel Surgery’ in
the subject box.
Or write to Travel
Surgery at the
address on p7.
We can’t reply
to readers
individually but will
respond to queries
on this page
Europe’s cleanest beaches
Blue-fl agged beaches are an eco accolade prized
by resorts throughout Europe. They are awarded
by the Copenhagen-based Foundation for
Environmental Education and are given only after
the FEE is satisfi ed that ‘a series of stringent
environmental, educational, safety and access-
related criteria’ have been met and maintained.
These are the European countries with the
most blue-fl agged sites in 2018. What are you
waiting for? Go and enjoy them!
I have had no problem
taking my asthma ‘puffer’
in my hand luggage on long-
haul fl ights. However, my
condition has deteriorated
recently. Can I take a nebuliser
on board, too?
Airlines are generally
sympathetic to taking
nebulisers on board, but it is
always worth checking exactly
what their policy is. Norwegian
Air says: ‘If the nebuliser is
operated by two AA batteries,
then there is no issue. However,
depending on how the power
is generated, we may need
to seek further clarifi cation in
order to ensure that it is not
dangerous goods.’
BA advises: ‘You can use
a battery-operated nebuliser
on board except during taxi,
take-off, descent and landing.
However, it is not possible to
supply mains power on board.’
Passengers with respiratory
problems should notify the
airline; BA, for example, no
longer carries therapeutic
oxygen on short-haul fl ights
and long-haul capacity is
severely limited. And you
You’ll love...
Ticking every green box (vegan, no palm oil,
recyclable packaging), this travel soap with tea
tree, peppermint and lavender cleans,
shampoos and acts as a midge repellent and
Tried out after
48 hours of
full-on summer
partying, our
tester declared
it ‘awesome’.
£5.95, theprinted
should always carry your
prescription or a doctor’s note
with you in hand baggage to
explain any medication you are
carrying at your destination’s
customs and immigration areas.
N Ireland has 11, Scotland no longer participates in the scheme
The hallmark of a great travel
website, particularly a route-
fi nder, is that you feel you’ve
done the trip simply by browsing.
That’s certainly the case with Choose ‘from’
and ‘to’ locations worldwide, and
the route comes up. Then click on
the blue line and detailed
highlights – attractions, hotels,
food, bars, etc – spring up in
panels along the route. Just don’t
forget to do the real thing!
We love...

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