Asian Geographic - 08.2018

(Grace) #1
E-sports are announced
as a demonstration
event at the Asian
Games in Indonesia.
Six titles confirmed

The International
e-Sports Federation
(IeSF) is founded
by nine countries’
e-sports associations

above An e-sports event
in Russia in 2017

left Pro e-sports players
battling in the game
Counter Strike: Global


once a curiosity in places like South Korea – is

now making its way into the Asian Games as

an official sport. Asiad’s organising body, the

Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), noted the

industry’s “rapid development and popularity”

as a form of sports among youth, generating

some USD490 million in revenue in 2016.

“E-sports is the way forward, and this is

evident from how sponsors are reacting. From

Coca-Cola, the oldest Olympic sponsor, to

Alibaba, one of the newest major sponsors,

e-sports is a big part of sponsor plans,” says

Professor Andy Miah, Olympic commentator
and Chair in Science Communication and
Future Media at the University of Salford.
“We’ve reached an exciting point in the
history of e-sports.”
According to the Asian Electronic Sports
Federation, the six e-sports selected for
September’s Jakarta Games promote integrity,
ethics, and fair play – which it hopes will
encourage young people to be “the best they
can be through educational and entertaining
interactive challenges”. ag

E-sports will be a medal
event at the Hangzhou
Asian Games as part of
a deal between Alibaba
and the OCA

E-sports may feature in
the Paris Olympics as
a demonstration sport.
Talks ongoing between
the IeSF and organisers
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