Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1

 chapter five

Ps.-Clem. Hom. ..–
The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat; all things whatsoever they
say to you, hear them. Hearthem, He said, as entrusted with the key of
the kingdom, which is knowledge, which alone can open the gate of life,
through which alone is the entrance to eternal life. But truly, He says, they
possess the key, but those wishing to enter they do not suffer to do so.


Matt :
R7α, δ" 5μν,γραμματεςκα,
Φαρισαι 5πκριτα,=τι κλεετε
τ2ν *ασιλεαν τ4ν 7ραν4ν

μπρσεν τ4ν νρπωνF 5μες
γ&ρ 7κ ε/σ ρ6εσε7δ"τς
ε/σερ6μ νυς1ετεε/σελεν.
Matt :b
κα,κ ραιιςαHπεριστερα.
“To Ioudaikon” in Matt :b
γνεσε Tν 1ρ!νιμι 5π"ρ Q1εις
κα, κ ραιι ς αH περιστερα.

Luke :
7α, 5μν τς νμικς,
γνσεωςFα7τ, 7κ
ε/σ8λατε κα,τςε/σερ6μ νυς

P. Oxy. 
λ γει VΙησςFH1αρισαικα,Hγραμματες>λα*ντ&ςκλεδαςτς
γνσεως.α7τ, >κρυψαν α7τ%ς.Xτε ε/σλν,Xτετςε/σερ6-
μ νυς1κανε/σελεν.5μες δ"γενεσε1ρ!νιμιςQ1ειςκα,
κ ραιιςπεριστερα.^89

Gos. Thom.
peje IS jeMvarisaios mN Ngrammateus au j i Nšašt Ntgnwsis
auxopou oute Mpoubwk exoun auw netouwš ebwk exounMpoukaau
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(^89) The Greek is translated: [Jesus said: “The pharisees and the scribes have taken the
keys] of [knowledge (gnosis) and] hidden [them. They themselves have not] entered, [nor
have they allowed to enter those who were about to] come in. [You], however, [be as wise
as serpents and as] innocent [as doves].”

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