Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1
genera lindex 

Narcissus (the bishop), 
Nasarenes, , 
natsraye, , 
Nazarenes, –, –,passim
and Jerome, –
see also anti-rabbinic collections
see also “Gospel of the Nazarenes”
Nazareth, , 
notsrim, , 

Old Latin gospels, , , –,
, , , , , , ,
Old Syriac gospels, , –, ,
, , –, , , 
oral tradition, , , 
life of, –
and Easter dispute (Quartodeci-
mans), see Easter dispute
and Ebionites, –
andthe Gospel of the Hebrews,
Origen’sCommentary on
Matthew, –
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Oxyrhynchus papyri, 
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts

Palestine, , , , , , , ,
, , , , , 
Panarion(Medicine Chest), , ,
, –, –, –, –,
–, , , , , , ,
, –, , 
composition of, –
see also Index of Ancient Authors
and Texts
Papias, –, –, –,
, 
Parthian, 
Paschal lamb, , 
passion (of Jesus), , , , , 
traditions in Jewish-Christian
gospels, –

Passover, , , –, , –
, , , 
Paul, Pauline, , , , –, ,
, , , , , , , , –
, –, , , –, –
, , , , –, –
, –, , –, ,
, , 
see also anti-Pauline
Paula, , , 
Paulinus (the bishop), , 
Pelagius, , , 
Pella, –, 
Pentateuch, , –, , –, ,
, 
see also Samaritan
Perea, 
persecution, –, , 
Peshitta, , , 
Peter (the apostle), , , , –,
, , , , , , 
Pharisees, , , –, , –
, , , , –, ,
, 
Philip (the apostle), , , ,
Philo of Alexandria, , 
Polycarp, –, , , 
polythetic classification, 
poor, , , , , , , , ,
, , –, , , ,
, , , , , , 
prayer, , , , , , , ,
–, –, , , ,
see also Eighteen Benedictions
prebaptismal teaching, 
preexistence, , 
prophet, , , , 
Adam as, 
the True Prophet, prophet like
Moses, –, , , –,
, , , , , 
prototypes, prototypicality, 
Pseudo-Clementines, xi, , , ,
, , , , , , , –
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