Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1
genera lindex 

synagogue, , , , , , ,
–, , , –, , 
syncretism, syncretistic, , , ,
, 
synoptic gospels ix, , , , ,
, , , , , , ,
, , , , –, ,
, , –, , , ,
, –, , , , ,
, , , 
Syntagma (of Justin Martyr), see
Syria, , , , , , , , ,
, , , , –, ,

Talmud, Talmudic, 
Targums, Targumic, , 
Tatian, , , , , , ,
, –, , , –,
see alsoDiatessaron
Telphon (Tarphon), , 
temple, of Jerusalem, , , ,
, , , 
critique of temple sacrifices, ,
–, –, , , ,
–, , , 
destruction of, , , , ,
, , 
honored by Jewish Christians, ,
, , , 
of Samaritans, see Mount Gerizim
tertium quid,

Tertullian, , , , , 
Tertullus, 
Theodore of Heraclea, 
Theophilus (the bishop), 
Therapeutae, –
Torah, see law
Trajan, 
Transjordan, –
Trypho, , 
Two Document Hypothesis (Two
Source Theory), , , ,

“Urgospel” hypothesis, –

Victorinus of Pettau, 
virgin birth, –, , –, ,
, , –, , –, 
Vulgate, , , –, 

water (Eucharistic), –, , ,
–, –, –
wine (Eucharistic), , , , ,
, , , , , –,
Wisdom, , –, , –,
–, –, , –,
, –

yeshuaye, , 
yoke, –, , , 

Zebulon, , 
Zion gospel edition, 
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