Recovering Jewish-Christian Sects and Gospels (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)

(Axel Boer) #1

 index of modern authors

Räisänen, Heikki, xi, , , –,
Reed, Annette Yoshiko, 
Reinink, G.J., , –, , , ,
, , , –, , –,
, , , 
Resch, Alfred, , , 
Riegel, Stanley K., 
Ritschl, Albrect, , 
Robinson, James M., xi, , –
, , 
Robinson, Gesine, xi
Rohrbaugh, Richard L., 
Rosch, Eleanor, 

Salo, Kalervo, , 
Sanders, E.P., , 
Schaeder, H.H., 
Schäfer, Peter, , 
Schenke, Hans-Martin, 
Schmidt, Peter Lebrecht, 
Schmidtke, Alfred, , , , , ,
, , , , , , , ,
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm, , 
Schoeps, Hans J., , 
Schrage, Wolfgang, –
Schröter, Jens, 
Schürmann, Heinz, 
Scott, Robert, 
Segal, J.B., 
Shkul, Minna, xiii
Sieber, John H., 
Simon, Marcel, 
Skarsaune, Oskar, , 
Smith, Jonathan Z., 

Strecker, Georg, x, –, , , –,
, , , –, –,
–, , , , , –
, 

Tajfel, Henri, 
Taylor, Joan E., , , , 
Theissen, Gerd, , 
Tischendorf, Constantin, 
Torjesen, Karen Jo, xi
Trigg, Joseph, 
Tuckett, Christopher, xii
Turner, John C., 

Uro, Risto, xii, xiii, , , 

Van Voorst, Robert E., , –
Verheyden, Joseph, xii, 
Vielhauer, Philipp, x, –, –,
, , , –, –,
–, , , , –,
Visotzky, Burton L., 
Vogt, Hermann J., –

Waitz, Hans, ix, , –, , ,
Wilkes, A.L., 
Williams, Francis E., 
Williams, Frank, , , –, ,
Williams, Michael Allen, 
Williams, S.K., 
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