Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
ther development. This shift, which froze each book in a single textual
form, happened quite abruptly in the late first or early second centuryc.e.;
it is often referred to as “stabilization,” but “freezing” or “termination of
development” is more accurate, since it was not a textual process but sim-
ply a cessation.
Sixth, the format of the books of the Scriptures shifted from individ-
ual scrolls to codex. Whereas a scroll usually contained one or at most two
books, a codex could contain a large number of books. Thus, decisions
whether a book was recognized as sacred Scripture were more pressing
when considering its inclusion in, or exclusion from, a single collection be-
tween front and back covers.
At the end of the lengthy process of composition and development of
the Scriptures from their beginnings and through the late shifts just de-
scribed, came the Romans. After two failed revolts by the Jews, the
Qumran covenanters were no more; the Samaritans remained apart; the
Jewish followers of Jesus inherited a large, not yet delimited collection of
Scriptures emphasizing the prophetic writings. The rabbis eventually re-
stricted the collection to twenty-four books, rejecting1 Enoch,Ben Sira,
and others; de-emphasizing certain apocalyptic and messianic aspects; and
focusing on the sapiential rather than prophetic character of the Psalms
and Daniel.


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Auwers, J.-M., and H. J. De Jonge, eds. 2002.The Biblical Canons.Leuven: Leuven
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Cross, Frank Moore, and Shemaryahu Talmon, eds. 1975.Qumran and the History
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Dávid, Nóra, Armin Lange, Kristin De Troyer, and Shani Tzoref, eds. 2012.The He-
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Fernández Marcos, N. 2000.The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the Greek
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Flint, Peter W., and James C. VanderKam, eds. 1998.The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty
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Harl, Marguerite, Gilles Dorrival, and Olivier Munnich. 1988.La Bible grecque des


eugene ulrich

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