Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1


Steve Mason, James S. McLaren, and John M. G. Barclay

Josephus was a general during the First Jewish Revolt against Rome who
later wrote historical, autobiographical, and apologetic works under the
patronage of the Flavian emperors. His writings constitute the single most
important source for Judaism in the early Roman period and, after the Bi-
ble, the most extensive ancient narrative of Jewish history.
Josephus was born Yoseph bar Mattityahu in Jerusalem in 37c.e.Al-
though his family did not belong to the small high-priestly circle, it must
have enjoyed high standing in the city’s hereditary aristocracy. Only so can
we explain Josephus’s Greek education, his dispatch to Rome on an em-
bassy at the age of twenty-six (63-64c.e.), his selection as regional com-
mander of Galilee at the outbreak of war against Rome (late 66c.e.), his
land holdings in Jerusalem, and his network of high-level friendships in
the city. After just four or five months of organizing Galilee’s defenses
against the 60,000-strong advancing Roman forces, by May of 67c.e.he
was driven back to the fortified hill at Jotapata (Yodefat). There he surren-
dered to Vespasian and his son Titus, after a siege of some weeks (July 1-2,
67). For most of the war he remained a captive, assisting the Romans with
translation, interrogation, and negotiation, especially during the siege of
Jerusalem under Titus’s legions from May to September 70c.e.After the
city’s fall, Josephus accompanied the victorious general, sailing back with
him from Alexandria to Rome (71c.e.) and observing the shared triumph
of imperial father and son.
Before Vespasian’s departure from Judea in 69c.e., he reportedly freed
Josephus from chains. At some point thereafter, Josephus received Roman
citizenship and the traditional three-part name honoring his benefactors,
“Titus Flavius Josephus.” Although he uses only “Joseph(us)” in his writings,


EERDMANS -- Early Judaism (Collins and Harlow) final text
Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:04:09 PM

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