Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Julia Severa, 347
Julius Caesar, 50, 116, 194, 308, 373
Julius Severus, 66
Justus of Tiberias, 234, 235, 239, 291,
292-93, 294, 313
Juvenal, 108, 111, 375

Ketuvim, 211
Khirbet Qumran, 16, 339-40
kingdom of God, 396, 409
kings, 240-41
kingship, Josephus on, 306-8
“Kitos, War of,” 65
knowledge, in premodern societies, 153-
Kohath, 73
koineGreek, 370
kosher.Seedietary laws

Lampo, 278
Laodicea, 379
laographia(poll tax), 61
and apocalyptic beliefs, 7
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 222-23
Law and the Prophets, 143-44, 146, 411
lectiones faciliores, 139
legalistic Judaism, 5
legal texts, 87-88
Legio X Fretensis,349, 350
Leontopolis, 46, 71, 116, 118, 334-35
Letter of Aristeas,22, 32, 33, 36, 103, 104-
6, 110, 115, 128, 234, 240-41, 243, 250,
Levites, 71-72, 73
Libya, 381, 385
Life of Josephus,85, 237, 291-95
Life of Moses(Philo), 233, 269
liturgies, in Dead Sea Scrolls, 218-20
Logos, 273, 284, 415, 417
Luke-Acts, 410-11
Lukuas, 385
Lysias, 42
Lysimachus, 277, 310, 370

Maccabean Revolt, 2, 20-21, 41-45, 372

Maccabees, First Book of, 17, 86
Maccabees, Second Book of, 39
Maccabees, Third Book of,103, 370, 372
Maccabees, Fourth Book of,237, 239
Magnesia, Battle of, 38
Mamre, 339
Manetho, 22, 309, 310, 312, 369-70
Marc Antony, 50, 51
Marcius Turbo, 388
Marcus Aurelius, 255
Mark (Gospel of ), 409-10
martyrdom, 246
Masada, 59, 135, 297, 348-49, 359-60, 361
Masoretic Text (MT), 128, 129, 131-32,
133, 134-35, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140-43,
209, 210, 427
material culture, 322
matres lectionis, 138
Mattathias, 42, 86
Matthew (Gospel of ), 411-12
Melchizedek, 231, 407
Menander, 309
Menelaus, 39-41, 44
menorahs, 343
Mesopotamia, 377-78
Messiah, 394, 410, 414
expectation of, 11, 246
messianism, 398, 430-31
and monotheism, 402
metoikion, 381
mezuzot, 209, 426, 432
Middle Judaism, 2
midrash, 171, 215, 407, 420, 424
Miletus, 379
minyan, 217
Mishnah, 3, 5, 7, 13, 18, 163, 420, 424, 427
missionary impulse, of Jesus move-
ment, 399
monotheism, 92, 109, 402
mores maiorum, 374
morphological features, of Dead Sea
Scrolls, 206
Mosaic Law, 156-57
on the covenant, 92
on festivals, 75


index of subjects

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