Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Pentateuch, 124
laws of, 156-57
Mosaic authorship of, 152
Perea, 327-28
persecution, 407, 408, 416
Persian dualism, 429
Persian Empire, 31, 32, 96, 127, 154-55,
156-57, 368
Persian tradition, 13
pesharim, 18-19, 89, 211, 214-16, 354
pesher, 264, 429
Pesher on Genesis,118-19
Peter, epistles of, 406
Petronius, 108
Phaedrus(Plato), 255
absence in Dead Sea Scrolls, 17
legal aspects of, 4-5
Pharisees, 18, 24, 433-34
disputes with Jesus, 394-95
in Jesus movement, 399
on Jewish law, 425
Josephus on, 80-82, 305
and oral tradition, 421
on Sanhedrin, 79
vs. Sadducees, 164, 392
Phasael, 50
Phasaelis, 52
philanthrZpia, 22
Philip V of Macedonia, 38
Philo, 3, 237, 238-39
achievement of, 282-84
on Alexandrian Jews, 102, 113, 376-77
apologetics treatises, 277-82
on appropriation(oikeiZsis), 250
biblical interpretation of, 163
on Caligula, 116-17
church fathers on, 230
on circumcision, 108, 243
on colony, 98
on conversion, 244
on Diaspora, 117
on dietary laws, 243
and Epistle to Hebrews, 407
on Essenes, 16
on Exodus, 233

on Genesis, 232
Greek education of, 164
on Greek philosophy, 23, 239
on intermarriage, 242
life of, 253-59
philosophical works, 272-77
on Pontius Pilate, 54
on Romans, 387
on Septuagint, 60
on synagogues, 109
on Temple, 115
on Therapeutae, 372
universalism of, 248
writings of, 256-60
philosophy, in Judeo-Hellenistic litera-
ture, 237
Philostratus, 281
Philo the Epic Poet, 235, 238
Photius, 313
phylacteries, 209, 426, 432
Pilate, 396, 397
pilgrimage, to Jerusalem, 115
piyyut, 432-33
Plato, 194, 245, 255, 269, 312
Platonism, 273, 277, 282, 283-84, 407
Plutarch, 282, 294, 316
poetry, 91, 235, 432-33
in Dead Sea Scrolls, 218-20
politeuma,102, 361
Pollio, Vitrasius, 278
Polybius, 37
Polycrates, 276
Pompey, 30, 47, 48, 49-50, 91, 373, 374,
Pontius Pilate, 53-54, 78, 348
pools, 333
Poppaea Sabina, 375
Porphyry, 230, 308
pottery, 332, 348
prayer, 432
prayer houses.See proseuch 3
Prayer of Nabonidus,19, 126, 199
predestination, 429
preexilic traditions, 123
priests, 71-72, 125
prophecy, 429-30


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