Early Judaism- A Comprehensive Overview

(Grace) #1
Rule of Blessings(1QSb), 354
Rule of the Community(1QS), 16, 17, 20,
88, 217, 222-23, 224, 354
Rule of the Congregation(1QSa), 217,
222-23, 354
Russian Orthodox Church, 181-82

Saadja Gaon, 272
Sabbath, 60, 107, 111, 232, 374, 378, 379,
393, 412, 415, 425
sacrifices, 72, 75
Sadducees, 18, 24, 79, 80, 81, 82-83, 164,
392, 394, 422, 426
Salome Alexandra, 48, 49, 77, 81
Salome Komaise, 357
Samaria, 325-27
Samaritan Exodus, 131
Samaritan Pentateuch (SP), 131-32, 137,
138, 139, 140-43, 209, 210
Samaritans, 323, 333, 336
Samuel, Qumran manuscript of, 133-34
Sanhedrin, 62, 78-79
Sardis, 379
scribal practice, 426
scribes, 63, 122
Scripture, 144-45
consistent message of, 165-71
as cryptic, 165-71
interpretation of, 89-90, 157-76, 211-
13, 225, 392
as relevant, 165-71
as word of God, 124-26, 166
scrolls, 148
Second Isaiah, 123
Second Jewish Revolt.SeeBar Kokhba
Second Passover, 75
Second Temple Jewish Studies, vii
Second Temple Judaism, 2, 240
on biblical law, 156
core beliefs of, 393
literature of, 84-91
and rabbinic Judaism, 423-33
and rise of biblical interpretation,
on Scripture, 151-52

sectarianism, 20, 208, 422
sectarian texts (Dead Sea Scrolls), 19-
20, 207-8
Seleucia, 377-78
Seleucid dynasty, 33, 36-45, 77, 325, 368-
Seleucus I, 33, 36
Seleucus IV, 38, 39, 74
senatus consulta, 386
Seneca, 308, 374
Sepphoris, 338
Septuagint, 60, 128-29, 131-32, 136, 139,
140-43, 163, 164, 209, 210, 229, 249,
369, 427
Sermon on the Mount, 395, 411
settlement activity, 339
settlements, architecture of, 330-31
Sextus Lucilius Bassus, 350
Shavuot, 108
Shechem, 326
Shema, 432
Sheshbazzar, 77
Shimon ben Kosiba.SeeBar Kokhba
Sibylline Oracles,10, 11-12, 103, 110, 234,
235, 238, 372
Sicarii, 57, 360
Sidon, 37
Similitudes of Enoch,10, 90-91, 199
Simon bar Gioras, 58-59
Simon ben Gamaliel, 63
Simon Maccabee, 44-45, 47, 86, 329
Sinai covenant, 405
singing, 73
Six Day War (1967), 17
Sixtus of Sienna, 181
skins, of goats, 206
Smyrna, 336, 346
Socrates, 276
Solomon, 155, 309
Song of Songs, 126
Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice,91, 225,
Son of God, 393, 394
Son of Man, 394
sons of Korah, 73
Sosius, Gaius, 62


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